English, asked by math618, 3 months ago

Essay my aim in life is to become IFS officee


Answered by jyotipandoh


 is said that "In order to fulfill your dreams you need to wake up". Having an aim or a goal in your life is very important because it will not only make your path right and fulfill your dreams but it will also make you inspire other people and friends. It is very important to have a dream because without dreams a man can or will be aimless.

It was always my aim and dream to become an IPS officer because my grandfather was also an IPS officer during his time. He would always say interesting incidents which happened with him and how he has served his country with integrity and passion, he also wanted me to become an IPS officer like him. I also want to serve my country with the same dedication because after becoming an IPS officer I will be able to solve my countries problems and also helping in making the country a better and more developed one.

I want to solve problems of crime in the country and I want to keep the public safe from any external forces. My family has always encouraged me to pursue my dreams. So when I grow up, I want to score good marks in the entrance exams and I want to work hard in pursuing my dream because without working hard, nothing can be accomplished perfectly. If my dream will be successful, I want to set an example for everyone that nothing is impossible.

Answered by Devam2609


I have been told that I am idealistic. They say that is not a good trait to have as it keeps me from being realistic. They also say that attitude keeps me from being a solid responsible adult as I will always be chasing dreams and not working at a real job providing for my family.

It all started when my Uncle asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. Of course, I excitedly said I wanted to be an IAS officer. Those few words started it all off. The laughter, jokes, and embarrassing comments.

But my goal in life is to be an IAS officer and it is not an idealistic dream for me. I am already aware that very few people make it into those ranks yet I know I have what it takes to succeed. I just wish my family did as well.

Fortunately, I was able to get a hold of a web page that told me some tips to help make the journey a little easier for me. My mind is being prepared as I fend off my family’s attempts to dissuade me from achieving my goal.

Also, I do read newspapers a lot. There has always been one or two in our home since I was little. As I grew older I stopped reading the funny pages and started to read the more serious sections. Just by reading these few newspapers every day I have learned a lot about our country and how it operates.

My mother is a little more sympathetic and she has made sure I have all the textbooks I need to study and be prepared. She also helps me with my notes giving bits and pieces of advice on where I could improve my thinking.

It is a tough road I am traveling but I already know that I have to travel most of it alone. The burden is mine since this is my desire and objective. As I take each step I know I am getting better at preparation and learning a lot.

Right now I am going through the previous papers and learning how to answer the tough questions the exam will ask. My next step, once I have mastered this one, will be to have someone help me with the mock tests.

My motivation in this effort is not to show my family up and say ‘see I could do it’, then rub their noses in it. Instead, I am thinking that it would be a good career for me and that position will make my family proud.

It is a stable profession that brings a lot of respect and honor and I know I must be worthy of those attributes. Also, I know that I will make a positive contribution to my fellow citizens.

This aspect of the job will make my life worthwhile and give it some purpose. That helps me to function better. Knowing I am making a positive contribution and giving back to society inspires me to train and prepare to the best of my ability.

But again, I am not being idealistic in my quest. I am well aware that I will not be living an easy life as I help those people in rural India. I will see their living conditions and compare them with mine.

It is not going to be easy at first but I know I can handle this disparity and work hard to make their lives a lot better than it is now. This job I snot about me and my status but about my fellow citizens who did not get the same breaks as I have had.

That makes me work harder to achieve my goal. I just wish I had a little more support from my family so I can be a person making the best contribution to India possible.

How was this essay on my aim to be an IAS officer?

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