English, asked by ak46, 1 year ago

essay of 150 words on india @70 is full of oppurtunities and challenges;what are these, and how can u contribute to a new india during next 10 years


Answered by Anonymous
India is a land of opportunities. It has got a strategic location in the world. It has got one of the longest coastlines in yhe world. It recieves ample amount of sunlight and rainfall. It appears to be a land full of opportunities. Yet due to many reasons listed below, India is yet developing. It won't be much wrong to say India as underdeveloped.
Reason 1:
The reason is the system of India, the government system of India, the governement itself along with officials and above of all, the people of India. After all, it is we who elect the government, most of which are irresponsible and selfish.
Reason 2:
The corrupt mind set of people and government officials. People break laws, and instead of taking punishment, they bribe the officials. Both are culprit-the one who gives and the one who takes.
Reason 3:
Innumerable laws, yet none is enforced and implemented properly. People do not follow laws strictly.
Reason 4:
Inefficient tax system. There is lot of unaccounted black money on which tax is not paid.

The biggest challenge is growing population. People of India are getting more diseases. People are unemployed (Elaborate this section if you can. If you can't, comment)

Doing the opposite of the above reasons is what us desired. First of all, we should respect our constitution, our national anthem and follow the laws strictly. Say no to corruption and black money. And perform the duties of an Indian and be proud of being an Indian. Mark as Brainliest, please.

Anonymous: Hey guys! Please mark as brainliest.
Anonymous: Pl mark as brainliest
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Anonymous: Mark as brainliest
svenkatred: it is india@
Anonymous: so?
AdityaVernekar: nice
Answered by upenderjoshi28

India @ 70 full of opportunity and how can we contribute to a new India during next 10 years


India is a land of phenomenal opportunities. Moody’s recent evaluation of Indian economy is a proof of the fact. India after 70 years of independence indeed is a land of opportunities and challenges. India is one of the most richly endowed countries in the world. There is enough of everything in it. Mountains, hills, valleys, lakes, deserts, plateaus, seas, plains and whatnot, India has everything.  Life sustaining resources such as air, water, sunlight, forests, animals, land, seas, flora, fauna, minerals, metals, human population, etc. exist in staggering abundance. Rivers such as Ganges, Sutlej, Ravi, Beas, Brahmputra, Kaveri, etc. flow perennially through its various planes making them the most fertile and arable planes in the world. Industrious farmers grow all types of crops, vegetables, fruits, etc on these plains and keep the food supplies abundantly supplied throughout the year. So, there is no scarcity of any sort in Indian subcontinent. According to statistics in Wikipedia the total cultivable area in India is 1,945,355 km² (56.78% of its total land area). India has a total water surface area of 360,400 km². India has the 4th largest coal reserves in the world; iron and manganese ores are 7th largest reserve in the world as in 2013; mica and bauxite are 5th largest reserve in the world as in 2013.


We can contribute to this change for the betterment by giving our best. Each one of us must do our job and responsibilities perfectly. All the challenges can easily be overcome provided the entire manpower and resources are utilized and used optimally under the right guidance of dedicated leaders. India can do wonders. India will do wonders surely. And that will happen only when the Indians set their hearts to make India the land of opportunities, growth, and prosperity with their words, deeds, and acts.


If a nation is to achieve invincible prosperity in the fields of health, finances, science, technology, and innovation, the people of that nation must adopt the principle of integrity as it is a divine quality; it augments energy, enthusiasm, creativity, fearlessness, purposefulness, and accomplishment. Applying integrity even in the minutest details, they must persevere in the fields above mentioned.


We can contribute to the making of new India by being excellent in our respective spheres of actions. Besides being perfect in our fields, we must be ideal citizens. We must pay our taxes honestly; we must not do anything that might affect our country’s prosperity and development. We must dedicate ourselves to the progress and development of our country, only then something substantial will happen.   



9437472215: Nyc..
9437472215: Thank you very much
AdityaVernekar: nice
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