English, asked by ktp, 1 year ago

Essay,of 200-300 on water is life
It should,include


Answered by sona561
Water is the most important substance in our evolution and our daily lives. Without water, life as we know it would not have been possible. It's important to understand and examine the water molecule in order to ascertain how it brought about Earth's thriving ecosystem and how important it is for us today.
             Water is a strong solvent, it's a very unique molecule that can breaks and reforms constantly. Each water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. The oxygen atom also called the "apex of the water molecule" bears a slight electronegative charge while hydrogen possesses a more positive one (Kirk 225). Because of the opposite charges attract, the water molecules are drawn together. When an oxygen atom is linked to a molecule's hydrogen atom, a bond called a hydrogen bond is formed (Kirk 256).
             There are several types of water molecule such as liquid water, ice and water vapor. These are all as important as we need in our daily lives. In a liquid form of water it has no such spaces because hydrogen bonds constantly breaks and reforms. Thus ice is stable hydrogen bonds that bonded together, it's less dense and will float on liquid water. If it's not this reason, the great bodies of water would freeze from the bottom up without the insulation of a top layer of ice, and all life in the water would all die (Bio; notes)
             Water is a very small molecule that has its own unique properties therefore it behaves like a larger one. The bonds between water molecules are the covalent bonds; these bonds are so strong that water resists changes in its state. For example, solid, liquid and gas. Thus water has a higher melting point and a higher boiling point than any other molecule of similar size (Kirk 256).

Answered by AkashMandal

Water is one of the most essential natural resource for sustaining both plants and animals life. Humans use water for various purposes . besides drinking, bathing, washing and cooking; water is used for irrigation. It is helpful in generating electricity ( hydropower ).
large amount of water is required in Industries like drugs, paper, Fertilisers, petroleum​ refining and for construction of buildings and many more.

Like Air , clean drinking water is essential for the good health of all living things, especially human beings but a large number of activities of man are polluting the water. 

water is available in abundance and is renewable . Then why do we suffer from water scarcity? The availability of water differs from place to place due to variation in seasonal and annual precipitation, but scarcity of water is mainly caused by overpopulation, increasing demands for food and cash crops, Urbanisation and rising standard of living. The excessive use of freshwater has led to the drying up of water sources and water pollution.

Water exists mainly in three forms — Water vapour, water in oceans, rivers, and ice in the glaciers and ice caps . Three-fourth of the Earth's surface is covered with water, but only a small proportion of fresh water can be put to use.

Water is precious. It is very essential to conserve and manage our water resources. Some of the ways to conserve water are :-

→ Discharge of untreated sewage, agricultural chemicals and industrial effluents are major contaminants . Water pollution can be checked by treating these effluents , before being drained into the sewage pipes.

→ Proper irrigation methods should be adopted to minimise wastage of water. Sprinkler can irrigate very large areas. In dry regions where evaporation is very high , drip irrigation is very useful.

→ Water Harvesting methods can be used to conserve water. water harvesting means to collect rainwater where it falls. Rainwater that falls on the roof, courtyard etc. is not allowed to flow away. It is collected in dug Wells or tanks for future use with the help of pipes. This water can be used for cleaning, washing and gardening.

→ In the household uses, consumption of water can be reduced in the following ways :

# we should use only the required amount of water.

# leaking taps should be repaired. A leaking tap wastes 1200 litres in a year.

# A bucket of water can be used for bathing instead of using shower or allowing flow of water unnecessarily from the tap.

→ Recycling of wasted and polluted water can help reducing water shortage.

Hopes you like it ^_^

sweety70: wow nice!!
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