English, asked by divya288, 1 year ago

essay of meaning of life with a short storie


Answered by Madhu123mri
Long long ago, there was a girl named Ana. She was thirteen years old. Her life was full of happiness until she found out that she had lung cancer. Her dream was to become a doctor.

Her only goal was to fight cancer. She never told her friends about it. Only her parents knew it. She was always worried but never gave up on fighting against cancer. She made her dream of becoming a doctor her life purpose. She would live only if she was able to fight cancer. She had to go through many problems. She had to cut her hair. She was teased at school because to this. Her friends had found out and were always ready to help her. She had to undergo several surgeries. She would always think of getting her happy life back and working on her life purpose. She wanted to live for helping others and not for herself.

She believed in herself. She understood the meaning of life. She fought cancer and finally she had a happy life again. She grew up and made a hospital for Cancer patients.

Moral: You will find the meaning of your life in your hardest times.

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