English, asked by Titin, 1 year ago

Essay on 400 words about Trees are nature's gift to man


Answered by komalchauhan1

Trees are one of the most valuable gifts of nature. They are pleasant things in the nature. Not only people get many things from trees, but also animals get many things from trees.Planting a tree is very valuable thing to the world, but many won't people don't realize this.

Actually, trees are our best friend. Not only when we had felt happy trees help to us,but also when we had sad trees help to us.People live with the help of trees. Trees provide good air for us. As well as trees provide rain for us. Without trees there will be no rain. Without rain we can't grow our crops. As well as they improve the beauty of nature. So, we must protect trees.

Today, Many people destroy trees. who are not wise people. They don't think about the future. Without trees our earth will become a desert. Many people fall trees for earn money. Not only their life destroyed, but also everyone life will be destroyed.

Today, some countries have prohibited of cutting down trees by the government. We also should protest against destroying of trees. We must also join to planting a tree. As well as we can join to tree planting campaigns. So we must love trees and we bound to protect it.

Answered by meenakumarimsw


Nature is our very existence, for, if it was not for nature we would not have got the gift of  existence even, we would not have been created. Life on earth is the greatest gift of nature and it can be found on this earth in several hues and shapes.

On earth, the gift of life is visible in so many forms, shapes and sizes, all occupying different areas of existence like the areas of land, air and water. Different species of living beings live on land and water, and, nature has provided for each one small or big a convenient mode, atmosphere and a body to exist and grow, in its own environment.

Besides living beings, we see life in other shapes those of huge trees and small plants. In the shape of these plants, nature has provided enough for the maintenance of this life on earth.  

After having created life and living beings on this planet, Nature has given the correct and healthy environment for the existence and the continuous growth of these shapes of life. The very air we breathe in to live, the food we eat to exist and grow, the water we drink to quench our thirst are all basic gifts of nature, without which life could not have existed and grown on this planet.

Thus to be able to see and appreciate the gifts of nature, we do not have far to go, as, all the life that exsits is a gift of nature. Besides life, the scenes we have the pleasure of seeing on this planet are also other gifts of nature which we get to enjoy the life given to us while we are here on earth. The very power to see with our eyes all the beauty around us is also one of the greatest gifts of nature, if it were not for eyes, how would we see and appreciate the nature around us.

Let us just ask the blind how they feel when they realise that for them there is nothing except darkness around. To taste the wonderful foods, the tasty fruits and vegetables a tongue is provided to all living creatures, with the sense of touch we enjoy loving and being loved. These gifts though they may appear to be very meagre but they all together help us in making this life enjoyable.

The gifts of nature to us living beings are uncountable, but we know about them and appreciate their importance only when, we either don’t have them or, we lose them. Just imagine a single day without seeing daylight or enjoyment or love, then, would life be worth living. Thus, with life we must realise that, nature has accorded to us all other gifts with which we can enjoy life.

 For understanding the gift that this planet is for us, we just have to take a look around us. Besides the different types of lives we see a variety of land formations, water formations and of course so much in the sky to admire. These gifts we see when we go trekking on hills or on holidays to hill resorts or beaches or see waterfalls. All these add to the beauty, variety and the grandeur of this planet, all of which is a gift package for us mortals.

So much for the human being alone, for the animals the jungle has been provided as their habitat. The varieties of animals from the huge elephant and rhinocerous to the tiny rabbit, all coexist in the thick of the mighty jungles.

Other smaller creatures live on land like us, the cat, the dog and several other smaller animals live with man on land. For the fish of a large variety from the huge whale to the tiniest of golden fish, the expanses of water are made like the sea, ocean and the rivers. This is not all; there are the birds that fly free in the air, who again exist in a wide variety of sizes and colours.

All this that we see is for us to enjoy and coexist with. Nature has provided such immense variety for us to live with, appreciate and enjoy, all these are finally the gifts of nature to man the highest form of life in this world. The creatures in the air and sea, and the others that live on land are all for man to enjoy in some way or the other, as, man is the noblest of nature’s creations, and he thus gets it all.


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