Essay on a day on which everything went wrong
this is the essay on which everything went wrong
I fell out of bed to see that my alarm clock hadn’t gone off. I was late for school!
I rushed to the bathroom, grabbed what I thought was my toothpaste and brushed my teeth. To only find out it was actually my sisters’ colour hair mousse. I looked in the mirror to see my teeth were dark brown.
No time to worry about it now, I needed to have breakfast I was late for school! I grabbed the milk and cereal and ate as quickly as I could. While eating I found the cereal to have an awful taste, I looked at the box and saw that I had eaten the dog food pellets. Oh I felt so sick!
I rushed upstairs to get dressed. I didn’t want to miss the bus! I grabbed my school bag and ran to the bus stop. I found it strange that I was the only one waiting for the bus. 10 minutes later and there was still no bus in sight. Well, no time to waste, I had to get to school. I started running as fast as I could. I looked behind me and saw that a dog started chasing me. I don’t need this now, and ran very fast. The dog grabbed my uniform, I looked down and saw I had put on the wrong shoes and was wearing my brothers’ uniform. Oh! How could this day get any worse?!
Along the way my bag became lighter and lighter. I stopped to see that my zip on my school bag was open and all my books had fallen out along the way...
Finally I got to school, the gates were closed and there was not a person around. Just ME!!!
Confused, I looked around and found Mr Gold the school caretaker. I asked him where everyone was and why the school gates were locked. His answer was not a good one...”lt’s Saturday”, he replied!
I sat on the school steps and laughed out loud!!!!!
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Essay on a day when everything went wrong
A Day When Everything WentWrong
Life is a mixture of bad days and good days. Each one of us experiences the joys of good days and anguish of bad days. I also went through the ordeals of a bad day.
It was one of those bad days today when many bad things happen together. As I got up my mother told me there had been no power supply since early morning. She also told me that there was no water in the water tank. So I had to pump water and bring it in buckets to the washrooms for ablutions and washing up.
Then as the mother was cooking dinner the cylinder ran out. Thank God there was a filled cylinder available with the grandmother. It was just 10:00 a.m. when the inverter battery also ran out. It happened to be one of the hottest days with summer solstice just a week away. All of us had no option but for the resuming of power supply. Then one of the neighbours told us the power supply would resume in the evening as the Electricity Department was repairing the wires. At 3 p.m. all of us missed the power supply the most because that day Champions Trophy semi-final cricket match between India and Bangla Desh was to be played.
We forgot all our pain we had faced that day when the power supply resumed. However, that joy was short lived. We had hardly finished our dinner when the power supply was disrupted again. The inverter did not work. We again had no option but to wait for the resumption of the power.
I really had an extremely bad day during my summer vacation.