Essay on a future without plastic waste through sustainability and circularity.
principle of reduse,reuse, recycle in waste management.
Plastic is a commodity that supports our modern lifestyles ItS Temarkable range of properties (e.g. durability. light-weight, good barrier properties)combined with the ease of processing. make plastic a sustainable alternative over othematerials (eg. glass, metals and paper) of which production, use and management can be moreespUncë intensive. Owing to these attributes, plastics are considered to have an important roe to play in promoting sustainability as part of aa circular economy (CE). CE is a concept that seeks to promote a sustainable way of living where resources are used more efticienty, and are retained in the economy for as long as possible. The latter can be achieved by creating loops tbat feed resources back into the system for use in same or new components and pgoducts witbthe same or lower functionality. Paradoxically. plastics present also one of the bggesrehallenges to achieving a CE. This is because, in spite of their great potential to prormóte esource efficiency upstream, i.e. at the production stage, a vast amount of the plastic tha becomes waste, escape into the environment and/or are largely mismanaged at th consuniption and management stage. This highlights the urgent need for scrutiny in the Way plasis are designed, produced, used and managed, to better understand how to improye their abihty to circulate back into the system; recovering maximum value Irom them. In this dhapter wepresent a framework for plastic waste management placing emphasis on their circularity potential via existing processes. Given the rapid emergence of bioplastics in the plasucindustry,it would be an omission not to discuss their opportunities and implications in promoting circularity. Consideration of all aspects in the plastic and plastic waste system and of the processes that go beyond end-of-pipe solutions highlight that sustainable management necessitales a combination of an integrated solid waste management strategy with a renewed focused on designing out plastic waste.