English, asked by mantasha63, 1 year ago

essay on a journey by Bus​


Answered by yashikaraj321


A Journey by Bus

A Journey by Bus.

A journey by bus is dull and boring. ...

I seldom travel by bus, but this summer I had to travel by bus to Manali since the entire family was going on a summer vacation by bus. ...

We left at 6 O'clock in the morning. ...

We had packed sandwiches and cold drinks which we had for breakfast in the moving bus itself.


..... Hope it helps

Plz Mark as brainliest.....


 \huge{ \underline{ \overline{ \mid{ \mathfrak{ \purple{ \:   \: ANSWER \:  \: } \mid}}}}}

 \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \huge{ \underline{ \mathfrak{ \red{ \:  \: Essay  \:  \:  on  \:  \: }}}} \\  \\

 \huge{ \bold{\underline{ \underline{ \pink{ \:  \: </p><p>JOURNEY \:  \:   BY \:  \:   BUS \:  \: }}}}}

  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \text{It was the month of October. Our school was closed } \\  \text{for ten days because of the Puja vacation. I have a friend } \\  \text{in Jorhat District. He invited me to pay a visit to his } \\  \text{house. I wrote to him earlier that I would go to Jorhat} \\  \text{during the Puja vacation.} \\  \\   \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \mathtt{It  \:  \: was \:  \:  the \:  \:  sunday \:  \:  in  \:  \: first \:  \:  fortnight  \:  \: of  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ October. My  \:  \: elder  \:  \: sister  \:  \: and  \:  \: I \:  \:  set  \:  \: out  \:  \: to  \:  \: the \:  \:  bus  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ station.  \: The \:  \:  buses  \:  \: of \:  \:  the \:  \:  State  \:  \: Transport \:  \:   } \\  \mathtt{Corporation's  \:  \: bus. \:  Private \:  \:  buses  \:  \: are \:  \:  also \:  \:  there.  \: } \\  \mathtt{We took  \:  \: our \:  \:  seat \:  \:  in \:  \:  the  \: second \:  \:  row  \:  \: of a bus.  \: The \:  \:  bus  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ was  \:  \: full  \:  \: with  \:  \: passengers,  \:there \:  \:  are some  \:  \: people \:  \:  } \\  \mathtt{whom  \:  \: we  \:  \:  knew \:  \:  as  \:  \: they  \:  \: were \:  \:  from \:  \:  our  \:  \: place. }

 \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \mathtt{The \:   \: driver \:  \:  came \:  \:  in \:  \:  and  \:  \: took \:  \:  his \:  \:  usual  \:  \: seat. \: } \\  \mathtt{ The \:  \:  conductor \:  \:  rang \:  \:  the  \:  \: bell. \:  The \:  \:  bus \:  \:  started \:  \:  to \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ move.  \: I  \:  \: was \:  \:  thrilled \:  \:  in \:  \:  anticipation  \:  \: of  \:  \: a \:  \:  long  \:  \: journey \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ by  \:  \: bus.  \:  Familiar  \:  \: scene \:  \:  in  \:  \: both  \:  \: side \:  \:  of  \:  \: the \:  \:  road  \:  \:}  \\ \mathtt{passed   \:  \: out  \:  \: of  \:  \: sight. \:  The  \:  \: second \:  \:  of  \:  \: the \:  \:  bus  \:  \: engine  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ thrilled \:  \:  me \:  \:  inside \:  \:  the  \:  \: bus.  \: In \:  \:  an  \:  \: hour  \:  \: the \:  \:  bus \:  \:  } \\  \mathtt{reached \:  \:  Nagaon,  \: where  \:  \: some  \:  \: passengers \:  \:  got \:  \:  into  \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{the \:  \:  bus.}

 \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \text{The day was fine. The sky was blue. Sunshine } \\  \text{was there. A gentle  breeze was blowing. The bus } \\  \text{halted at Jakhalabandha. Almost all the passengers } \\  \text{got down the bus  for refreshment. We too entered  in } \\  \text{a hotel and had our refreshment. After one hour, we } \\  \text{reached Kaziranga, the wildlife sanctuary of Assam.} \\  \text{ Going along the Kaziranga cheered me up. We saw} \\  \text{ two rhinos grazing at a little distance from the} \\  \text{ national  highway. Our bus passed through many  tea} \\  \text{  gardens. It  is  a very  pleasing  sight. The tea gardens} \\  \text{ in both sides  of  the  road  stretches  beyond our  sight.} \\  \\

  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \:  \: \mathtt{At  \:  \:  about \:  \:   2 \:  p.m.,  \: the \:  \:  bus  \:  \:  stopped \:  \:  at  \:  \:  the  \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ Jorhat   \:  \: bus  \:  \:  station.  \: My  \:  \: friend \:  \:  Raj  \:  \: was  \:  \: already \:  \: } \\  \mathtt{ there \:  \:  with \:  \:  his  \:  \:  car . He  \:  \: waited \:  \:  for  \:  \: us. We  \:  \: took  \:  \:} \\  \mathtt{ our \:  \:  luggages \:  \:  out   \:  \: of \:  \:   the \:  \:  bus. Then  \:  \: we  \:  \: went  \:  \: to  \:  \:}  \\ \mathtt{ the \:  \:  parking \:  \:  place \:  \:  and  \:  \: from  \:  \: there \:  \:  we  \:  \: had \:  \:  gone \:  \:  }\\  \mathtt{ to \:  \:  his  \:  \: house. }

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