English, asked by dorendroatk, 1 year ago

Essay on Achievement of the UNO​


Answered by migana0667


In diffusing the international tension and in the maintenance of the peace and security of the world, the UNO did some marvellous jobs.

In the first place, the UNO promptly came to diffuse the tension that mounted between Indonesia and the Netherlands. It is through the mediation of the UNO that Indonesia could attain her independence from the Netherlands. Thus the Republic of Indonesia came as a new nation in the map of the world. This was no mean achievement for the UNO.

In the second place, a war-like situation prevailed in Iran, Syria and Lebanon, because foreign troops had taken control of these countries and the self-government of these nations were jeopardized. The situation was saved, by the timely intervention of the UNO, which secured the independence of these states. This was another glorious record of the UNO.

In the third place, the performance of the UNO in Palestine in 1948 was definitely commendable. It set up a Truce Commission in April 1948 and this Commission intervened when the war broke out. Finally, in 1949 an agreement for armistice was reached through the mediation of the Commission. Moreover, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees did a lot of good service in the Middle East.

In the fourth place, the UNO played a vigorous role in the civil war in Greece which was engineered by the foreign powers in that country. The UNO’s efforts were crowned with success by removing the foreign dangers from Greece and resolving the civil war there. The same efforts succeeded in freeing Morocco and Tunisia from the domination of France.

In the fifth place, when the Indo-Pak crisis reached the point of war over the Pakistani raids in Kashmir in October 1947, the UNO intervened and ordered for a ceasefire and did a very useful job. The same good zeal was exhibited by it when Pakistan attacked India in 1965 and 1971. In all the three occasions the UNO came as the impartial umpire to restore peace over Kashmir. It did what could be the best under the circumstances.

In the sixth place, the UNO did a formidable task in tackling the Korean War which began in 1950. North Korea, that had attacked South Korea, was pulled out by the UNO army under the command of General Douglas MacArthur. The ceasefire was followed by permanent peace in the region.

In the seventh place, it was a testing time for the UNO when Israel invaded the United Arab Republic in 1956 to be followed by an Anglo-French aggression on the Suez Canal. The war cloud began to lurk when the USSR, in protest against the Anglo-French aggression, threatened to join the issue. It is through the tireless mediation of the UNO that a real war was averted and the aggressors had to vacate the Suez Canal.

The Arab-Israel conflict again came to the surface in 1967 and 1973 and in these two occasions also the UNO did not allow the friction to get into a conflagration.

In the eighth place, the UNO played a useful role in condemning the Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia and the American tutelage over Vietnam. It has also adopted numerous resolutions condemning the vexed apartheid issue in south Africa

When Libya refused to hand over two Libyans suspected of blowing up an American airliner in Scotland in 1988, the UNO in April 1992 imposed economic sanctions against Libya and brought pressure on her to hand over the two air-blowers.

Lastly, the UNO perhaps has been playing a greater role in the upliftment of the social, economic and educational standard of the world through its specialised agencies like the UNESCO, WHO, ILO, IMF, etc. to make the world safe for prosperity. This is something unprecedented in the history of mankind.

Unlike the League of Nations which failed to prevent a world war, the UNO has succeeded in keeping the world distant from another world war. This is the biggest achievement of the UNO. Although the UNO might not be successful to satisfy all countries of the world in obtaining collective security of the world, it is still doing a lot of good things for mankind.

The UNO is the last hope of the existing world since it provides a forum, at which all the nations of the world can assemble and iron out their differences. Had there been no UNO, the world would have been politically, economically and intellectually poorer today. It is the best thing that the world can have under the circumstances.

It is the ultimate pole-star of mankind to guide through the troubled waters of international politics. It is for the benefit of mankind to hope that the UNO will go from strength to strength in the days ahead of the twentieth century.

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