essay on advantage of traveling
Some people have Travelling as a passion. Travelling is all about seeing new places and seeing culture of that particular country, state, city. It is not particular that one should travel new places Travelling can be done to visit your favorite place again weather by plane, train, car etc. it is soo fun to travel♡. In many cases travelling is costly but it even has some benifits. Travelling improves your health and even mental ability.. Travelling reduces stress, if one wants break from his/her stressful life travelling is the best option. Travelling improves our knowledge, Travelling to new places we even gain some knowledge as seeing people, monuments, culture, cultural heritage/activities we get to know history of that place. By travelling We create beautiful memories
The advantages of traveling are unlimited, despite of the expanse and fatigue. By traveling around a country or around the world, you can be familiar with the traditions of different nations and religions. It is the human nature that he always needs to discover his truth, and travelling is the best way to find the truth. Curiosity is integrated naturally in human’s mind which urges him to observe things and happenings in the world, nothing is best than traveling to facilitate the curiosity of human mind.
By advantages of traveling, we experience the different traditions present in our own country, we can be able to discover the beauty of our own country, we can fully understand that how much natural resources we have in our country, and the important thing, we can realize the problems of people. By travelling around the world, we can experience a new path of discoveries and experiments. We think more vast and precise by traveling to different countries of the world.