Computer Science, asked by seaam011809, 8 months ago

Essay on AI's productivity and development in Fashion and Engineering. 200 words


Answered by itzBrainlyBoy


continue to be the dominant focus of innovation and development efforts in most countries. ... 3 Preface. 4 Executive summary ..... advanced robotics and AI could boost productivity in....


Answered by Anonymous


Artificial intelligence (AI) will transform the world later this century. I expect this transition will be a "soft takeoff" in which many sectors of society update together in response to incremental AI developments, though the possibility of a harder takeoff in which a single AI project "goes foom" shouldn't be ruled out. If a rogue AI gained control of Earth, it would proceed to accomplish its goals by colonizing the galaxy and undertaking some very interesting achievements in science and engineering. On the other hand, it would not necessarily respect human values, including the value of preventing the suffering of less powerful creatures. Whether a rogue-AI scenario would entail more expected suffering than other scenarios is a question to explore further. Regardless, the field of AI ethics and policy seems to be a very important space where altruists can make a positive-sum impact along many dimensions. Expanding dialogue and challenging us-vs.-them prejudices could be valuable

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