English, asked by aratigaire8, 3 months ago

essay on aim in life about actress​


Answered by khushi00885


In this world every on had come there to do something and to achieve something in their life. everyone have any ambition in their life.

someone wants to became a doctor, someone wants to became footballer, some to be a shef,

or etc. but my ambition is to be an actress.

when I was small I always set in front of TV and begin to watch movies, songs and other entertaining shows. I always do acting of many movies actor dialogue and never do studies.

and now also am the same as I was in all yesterdays.

Being an actress is not just my ambition but being an actor is my life.

It is compulsory in our life to have a ambition to achieve or to became something.


Having an aim or ambition in life is important for every person. A life having no aim means that a person is living a meaningles life with no direction. Aim in life gives meaning to life. A person is incomplete without an aim in his or her life. We need an aim in life to focus on and put efforts to achieve that aim.

My parents have taught me the value and importance of education in life. I have met so many good teachers from the year I first started going to school. I admire the work they are doing. I often feel sad for them when they do not get the respect and appreciation they deserve. Each one of them is contributing to the education of the children and the youth who will one day become our nation builders.

My ambition in life is to become a teacher. Teaching is a noble and self sacrificing profession. It is not an easy job. The work of a teacher is an entire day at school without rest and several hours at home either checking papers and note books or preparing ourselves for the next day. But teachers don't complain about such things. By teaching the younger generation teachers know that they can build a better future for our society and our nation.

When I become a teacher, I will always teach the children good discipline, good manners, healthy and hygienic habits and moral values so that they can become good citizens of the country. I will try my best to become the role model of a good teacher. I will prepare my notes in advance so that the students can easily learn the subjects. I will explain to them clearly every chapter so that they can learn it easily and also enjoy learning the subjects.

Teaching is not only about text books and note books and giving homeworks. I will try to be a compassionate, a helpful and an understanding teacher. I will teach my students to be hardworking, honest, sincere, confident, and have a positive mind so that they can succeed and achieve their ambition in life. I don't mind that teachers are no longer treated with respect. In fact they face unnecessary harassments from their own students and their parents and guardians. I believe that I can change this situation by being a dedicated teacher with a heart for the students and by trying to understand the problems of parents and guardians.

I don't expect anything as a reward for what I love doing. Seeing my students growing up in the right path, being an asset to the community, and achieving a good career in life will be my most precious and satisfying reward.

Answered by tiwarishashwat125


I used to stand in front of the mirror and put on different facial expressions when i  was 5 yrs old. From then on i developed a passion towards acting and I still do it. I have been through my life's ups and downs and mostly acting has helped me get over it. I am very strict about my diet and i see to it that i only have food that i like to have. As years passed by I ended up being a beautiful girl. I still had one aim in my life - acting even when my parents

opposed. I was from a middle class family. My parents too were cautious about their one and only daughter especially in a secular country like India where girls are raped in every street every second. I was being pursed to go for medicine or get married. I didn't want both. Medicine wasn't were I fitted in and marriage was a horror for me. I didn't want to hurt my parents but I tried my best to make them understand that I had to take up acting and be an actress because that's where I lay. Even before also I used to get offers to act through my friends and family but as usual my parents opposed. But now it was high time for me to preach my career. While my parents sent me to career guides to select my medical college i asked them about acting schools and other stuff. Soon my 12th results were out and i passed by chance. This is mostly the hardest time of any students life when your results are out and they compare you with others. They would say, "Vinod's daughter scored an A in all subjects. Look at my daughter! I'm ashamed to even get out of the house.How are you going to get an admission in a good college? you better get married. Very soon I received proposals and my marriage was fixed. The boy was a doctor. Something that my parents really wanted. I had no plans to get married especially to a family who thinks that girl shouldn't be allowed to raise voice. I decided to elope.

Marriage is on Saturday. I decided to elope on Friday. The night before my wedding. I thought it was the best time because nobody is going to care where the bride is when they atre busy eating and gossiping except for my darling mother.

2.00 am I was in the bus to mumbai. I think I was quite smart to elope with the gold and jewellery meant as dowry. Anyways they were going to give it to my ex fiance but bad luck their daughter had to instead.

10.00 am I reached the shool after refreshing at a hotel. OMG! The moment I reache ddfor all these years has reached. I coudn't control my joy. That day onwards it was that school which fluctuated my career. I celebrated each and every second in there. Six months after my elope my parents called me. At last They agreed my wish to become an actress. Soon I got offers and I was a part of the industry. Today when i look back i feel happy about my life because i could hold on to my passion. Pasiion iis something that most people are afraid to hold on to. But I was brave. I believed in my passion. If everybody does then we will have a world with no laziness because nobody will be lazy to work for their passion!


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