English, asked by sifrancis3130, 11 months ago

Essay on an accident which occurred involving two student in my school


Answered by krishnasaroj2002
The accident—the first one—occurred on the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving of my senior year in high school. It left one friend injured and one dead, and for a while afterward the whole thing seemed so surreal and impossible that all we could do—friends, family, anyone connected but not in the accident itself—was try to re-create the simultaneities of that evening, the first person at the scene, the shock of the couple at the nearby house from which the call was made for an ambulance, and then: who called whom, and who was where when they heard. Given our own shock, we couldn’t imagine the parents of the victims hearing those first words: There’s been an accident....

When the news reached my family that night, in that orbit of calls, my parents, perhaps like other parents among our friends, presumed their child might have been in the car, which wasn’t the case, though might have been, had I made a different decision earlier that evening. For us seniors, it was a free night with no school the next day, a holiday from everything, including our cursed college apps. Mine was spent with my girlfriend, so I missed the pre-party and then the ride to the real party. And so I missed the accident, too.

*Names have been changed throughout.

There were two cars, belonging to Jax* and Flynn, driving from the beach north up through town to someone’s parentless house. Riding with Jax was Seger, and with Flynn, Xavier. On a stretch of road by one of the town’s country clubs, Jax lost control of his car, hit a telephone pole, and skidded a hundred feet into a tree. The crash drove the engine through the dashboard. The Jaws of Life were required to cut the bodies from the wreckage.At that moment—as the first siren sounded, as the first numbers were dialed, as the bodies were gathered and rushed away—I was watching a movie/eating Chinese/on a bed with my girlfriend, I can’t remember exactly. Lost in the oblivious haze of youth, I was certain, like millions of teenagers before me, that nothing would ever touch us there.

Until, of course, it did.
Answered by Sonikajohri766

Short Essay on an Accident

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Sample essay on an accident for school and college students.

Accidents or mishaps keep happening every day and every now and then. Some mishaps are unnoticeable or are a nuisance, others get serious and unavoidable. One trips and falls while looking at a poster, other clashes into a pole, still other smashes the tomatoes eyeing and slips like a skater. Such accidents are alright as they harm slightly and happen almost every day.

Sometimes when an accident take place due to rashness of people and involves harming others, they become serious and alarming. Therefore, one should be careful on the road and in public places so as not to harm oneself as well as others.

The other day, I saw a similar accident while I was a similar accident while I was returning from school. I was as usual walking on the footpath lost in my own thoughts about school, home works and class tests when a screeching sound broke the train of my thoughts. I turned around to see the source of the sound and what I saw, I think I will never be able to forget.

There was lying a young boy in a pool of blood hit by a jeep. The Jeep driver had tried to escape after overrunning the boy but was caught a few feet away by the assembled public.

The sight of blood was really horrible. People gathered around the child. I too went to see who he was. He was probably in 9th or 10th and like me was returning home from a nearby school. Then quickly a man searched through his strewn books and found his diary. From the number found in the diary, he informed his guardian.

Meanwhile, another man had called up the hospital for ambulance. After a few minutes the ambulance of a nearby private hospital came and carefully placed the boy on the stretcher and took him away. The boy apparently had a broken leg and arm and also had an injury on his head. Due to the collision he had become unconscious. So no one knew the extent of the injury on his head.

I gathered the books of the boy, placed them back in the bag again, got the address from the diary and thought of returning the bag at the address. The cycle too was in a bad shape but one man thought of it too at the address.

The boy now gone, there remained only the dreaded pool of blood. Suddenly people remembered the Jeep and the driver who was now apologizing frantically. He was completely drunk. The crowd fell like a hungry wolf on him and taught him a proper lesion. People were angry as he had tried to escape also.

Meanwhile the police came and took him away. I accompanied that man to return the bag and the broken cycle. On our way we were quite shocked at the uncertainty of life. The man after sometimes told me that the Jeep drivers as was evident totally drunk and was driving very rashly. The child was on the right side riding his bicycle. He was at a normal speed when suddenly this Jeep came, hit him from behind and overran him. I was too shocked to speak anything.

The houses of the boy were near only so we have to walk much. When we reached his home, the boy’s elder sister was at home. We gave her the bag and kept the bicycle over their place. She seemed very worried but was in control of her emotions. There were tears shining in her eyes but they did not flow down. She thanked us for bringing the boy’s things back. We told her that her brother would be fine and left.

After that I went home. My mother too had started worrying about me as I never got late. I found her standing out in the porch anxiously waiting for me. I then told her about what had happened and she too got scared and hugged me. I told her that I am fine; it was another boy who got injured. She was very proud of me as I had stayed on to help. Then all of us visited the temple to pray for the speedy recovery of that boy.

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