English, asked by rajdeep189, 2 months ago

essay on anti social activities in your locality​


Answered by itssakshimishra26


By planning in advance, the researcher was able to avoid interruptions and ensure people could not overhear the discussions. 38) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which almost entirely applies only to England and Wales. It is hoped that this research will inform both those who work in the youth work arena and crime prevention strategists in general of the possibilities that youth work holds. It is therefore submitted that it is not a disadvantage to combine quantitative and qualitative data, but that it is an advantage as the utilisation of the two methods allows for an in-depth investigation, which will allow a ‘more complete account[s] of social reality’ (Bryman, 1992:126). It is a worthwhile task to research this specific area as there is little published research on the contribution of youth work in preventing ASB. * Gives values to the residents and in result they actively participate in preventing anti-social activities. Antisocial females tended to engage in other types of deviant behaviours, such as class cutting and drunkenness, more than their male counterparts. They don’t need to ask, “So, what have you been up to.

By planning in advance, the researcher was able to avoid interruptions and ensure people could not overhear the discussions. 38) is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which almost entirely applies only to England and Wales. It is hoped that this research will inform both those who work in the youth work arena and crime prevention strategists in general of the possibilities that youth work holds. It is therefore submitted that it is not a disadvantage to combine quantitative and qualitative data, but that it is an advantage as the utilisation of the two methods allows for an in-depth investigation, which will allow a ‘more complete account[s] of social reality’ (Bryman, 1992:126). It is a worthwhile task to research this specific area as there is little published research on the contribution of youth work in preventing ASB. * Gives values to the residents and in result they actively participate in preventing anti-social activities. Antisocial females tended to engage in other types of deviant behaviours, such as class cutting and drunkenness, more than their male counterparts. They don’t need to ask, “So, what have you been up to.[2] Berger states that parents should teach their children that “emotions need to be regulated, not depressed”. Having taken these debates into consideration, the use of these terms throughout this report have been used to mean the following: the term ‘youth crime’ refers to crime committed by those individuals under the age of 18 years, and the term ‘crime’ indicates ‘an act prohibited by criminal law’ (Muncie, 2004, p. An individual’s age at intervention is a strong predictor of the effectiveness of a given treatment. This meant putting all of the participants’ answers to each question together, therefore analysis on possible themes and categories was made easier. They give a nonverbal “thumbs down” through body language when our words create either misunderstanding or offense. Males who participated in violent behaviours were different from those engaging in property damage and other types of crimes. UKEssays; Essays; Criminology; Youth Work And Anti Social Behaviour Criminology Essay; Youth Work And Anti Social Behaviour Criminology Essay. Earlier collection of primary data would also allow time to conduct semi-structured interviews with youth workers, which would be likely to produce some further insight. In July 2003,an 87-year-old man received an order for being rude and sarcastic to his neighbors. It is through your esteemed newspaper that I would to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities towards the sudden spurt in the anti-social activities in our locality recently. This could indicate that the location and context in which the term is used can be of significance. The ultimate question therefore is whether youth work can positively contribute to ASB prevention.


Answered by MichSuchana91

Some people think that only the society should be blamed for any anti-social activities. What are the causes for these activities? Who is responsible for them?


Introduction: (Introduce the topic a General Statement and MENTION the causes for these activities. If possible, MENTION those who are responsible.)

The structure of a society plays an instrumental role in the development of its citizens. People carry out anti-social activities if the society is unequal and if it fails at imparting morals among people. Since the unequal distribution of resources is primarily due to political reasons, politicians are responsible for crimes in a society.

Body Paragraph 1: (EXPLAIN the causes)

An unequal society cannot fulfill the aspirations of its youngsters through legitimate channels. Many youngsters, after failing to achieve an adequate education and a respectable job, indulge in anti-social activities such as theft and extortion. For example, since the Indian economic reforms of 1991, the wealth has been concentrated in the hands of the richest citizens and this has increased the incidents of money-related crimes. Moreover, some societies fail in imparting proper moral education to their youngsters due to external factors such as poverty, war or famine. In such cases, youngsters learn to focus on their survival than on ethics and morals. Consequently, society should be blamed for anti-social activities.

Body Paragraph 2: (EXPLAIN who is responsible)

Since politicians have a job to make a society more equal and prevent wars and famines, they should be blamed for most illegal activities. They often fail in carrying out their duty to uplift all sections of society and to ensure that no one is left behind. They often collude with businessmen and bureaucrats to create crony capitalism that benefits a few sections of society only. This leads to concentration of wealth in a few hands.


In conclusion, a society will be more healthy and people will abstain from anti-social activities if it is equitable and gives equal opportunities to everyone. The onus of this change falls on the shoulders of politicians.

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