English, asked by samiksha699, 1 year ago

essay on art is life ​


Answered by jahnavnalluri


Art is life, not something to be placed in a shrine and substituted for life. Actually, art is an effort to create, besides the real world, a more human entity. Moreover, a true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection. Indeed, even those who regard art as an ideal and artists as idealists cannot deny that art is a faithful mirror of the life and civilization of a period.

Everyone concedes what Nehru said that Indian civilization of the past periods was full of life; it created things of beauty, the arts flourished, and the echoes reached distant countries. Nehru was also stating the reality when he said that the art of a people is a true mirror of their minds. Both arts and crafts have indeed close connections with life; there is no line of demarcation between arts, crafts and life when the arts have really been an integral constituent of the people’s daily existence.

Obviously, it is impossible to separate art, or the arts, from life; they are a part and parcel of it. The idea can also be expressed by saying that when life declines and the standards of living deteriorate, art also declines. On the other hand, when life marks an upward swing and shows all-round improvement, such a un swing inevitably gets reflected in the arts.

It is during the regimes of eminent influential kings and emperors, Maharajas and Nawabs in history, especially during the Golden Age, that the arts, such as painting, music, since and crafts of various types prospered. Who bothers about art and the artists when there is poverty and destitution all round, when the rulers are constantly engaged in internecine warfare or struggles for power during which art is the first casualty?

This is also true of the age of exploitation, colonial, imperial or other.

To say that art is only confined to the artist the painter, the sculptor, the dancer, the musician, the singer or other craftsman is to take a needlessly rigid and restricted view. Real art is all-round illumination and adds stature to life. The object of art, it has been well said, is to crystallize human emotions into thought, and then fix it in a concrete form.

After all, painter thinks, reflects for a long time, tries to imagine something good and great, has a vision or a dream, and then draws a picture, a drawing or moulds clay or metal into a figure he has dreamed or thought of. Since dreams, thoughts and visions are all a part of our life, art is also very much a part of our existence.

Even the illusions, which often get reflected in masterpieces of art, can be entertained only by human beings of talent and cannot, therefore be separated from life.

An unfortunate aspect of life in the modern world is that misconceptions about art and artists, and about their role, have been spreading fast. Anyone, it is said, who finds a way to make a lamp or some other artistic piece out of a Camp-Cola bottle gets more protection than a humble man who creates a work of real art.

There is indeed a distortion of values in the world of art; really talented artists often starve because of the lack of patronage by those who lead a life devoted to un artistic activity. An artist who revolts against man’s fate in life may or may not get adequate encouragement. Moreover, what passes for “art” in today’s world may in reality be fraud or cheap imitation of a masterpiece.

Again, is it not true that the measure of the creator is the amount of life he puts into his work. A real work of art has to be full of life; if it is lifeless and soulless or dull, it evidently lacks life.

Who can deny that a painting or a piece of sculpture has great appeal if it is life-like, emanating vigour and activity and if it inspires human feelings? Besides, the real artist is he who does not cater to cheap tastes or panders to the low, in human or base instincts of men and women. If an artist sells himself for the baser things, he is a traitor to art.

True art grasps, rediscovers and reveals to us reality which human beings tend to forget and from which we often seek to get away. Often the reality is harsh; even that serves as a reminder of what we are prone to ignore. When the reality is pleasant and artistic creations please, we begin to appreciate art, not otherwise.

Art, like most human beings, is temperamental; it is no secret that artists, poets and musicians work when they get the requisite inspiration. Dictation and imposition of authority are what art and artists firmly resent. In this sense art is an intense form of individualism. Even so, art should never seek popularity; on the contrary the people should try to value art and make themselves artistic as far as they can.


Answered by Saqibfizaali

Art in our life

             There had been difficulties defining art, but as it was defined in general, it is the product of creative human activity in which materials are shaped or selected to convey an idea, emotion, or visually interesting form. Art can't easily be defined as simple as any ordinary object because it implies value..monetary, social and intellectual. And it is also ever-changing and growing making it harder and almost impossible to have a constant clear definition. As it was said, when people ask, "What is art?" or state that something "is not art," they usually are not seeking a philosophical definition but are instead expressing an opinion that a painting is not realistic enough, that it is offensive, or that it does not use traditional materials. This also shows that people not only make art, but also choose which objects should be called art.
             Make judgments, but get specific..that is one of the rules of art. You can't say something isn't an art just because you want to say so; you have to give good reasons. Originality, individual expression, something to contemplate rather than use..these are some of the qualities that are commonly associated with art. But as we all know, most of the works of arts are famous and considered work of art today because of some powerful bodies just like the church and government who considered it such, instilling in every peoples mind that it is indeed a work of art without further questions. You got to see that art in all its forms could display power. Aside from power, art displays wealth and prestige in a sense that a work of art is almost priceless. Priceless that it could give extreme emotion to the one who owns it or the one who get to see or hear it.
             Life is so boring without art, that's how priceless art is. There is art in our everyday life. Music is played in almost everywhere. We can hear music in almost everywhere we go. The kind of music that we wanted to...

i hope it helps uhhhh
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