English, asked by alisha7828, 1 year ago

Essay on autobiography of clock in marathi language


Answered by gadakhsanket
नमस्कार मित्रा,

★ जुन्या घड्याळाचे आत्मवृत्त -

सकाळी गजर वाजला उठून बघितलं, घड्याळात ७ वाजले होते. तो गजर बंद करून परत झोपलो. अचानक आवाज आला, 'अरे उठ किती झोपतोस!' मी घाबरलो. घरात कुणीच नसताना कोण बोललं.

'अरे मी बोलतोय मी, तुझे घड्याळ. आज तुझ्याशी बोलावसं वाटलं. तुझ्या वडिलांनी मला एका इलेक्ट्रॉनिक्स च्या दुकानात खरेदी केलेले. तेंव्हापासून आजपर्यंत तुमच्या घराची सेवाच करत आलेलो आहे. ९ वर्ष उलटली तुझ्या वडिलांचं निधन झालं आईला तू घरातून हाकलून दिल. या सर्व गोष्टीला मी अभागीपणे साक्ष देत होतो. त्या ममतेने अश्रू अजून माझ्या डोळ्यात भरून आहे.'

'तू माझा नियमित वापर करतो. येताजाताना वेळ बघण्यासाठी उपयोग करतो. ऑफिसला जाण्यासाठी अलार्म सेट करतो. तुझ्या आनंदातच माझा आनंद. परंतु आता मी जुना झालोय. कधी बॅटरी संपते तर कधी माझे तीन काटे एकमेकांत अडकतात. परंतु एका चांगल्या गुरुसारखा तू माझा त्याग केला नाहीस अजून.'

'परंतु एक दिवस असा येईल जेव्हा मला बदलणं तुझी गरज होईल. तो क्षण दोघांसाठीही दुखदायी असेल. चल जा तू ऑफिसला मीही माझं काम करतो. बाय बाय...' आणि मग तो आवाज पुन्हा नाहीसा झाला.

Answered by Sidyandex

Have you at any point pondered what it resembles to be stuck on the divider all day, every day? or then again what its like to continually have one of your hand orbiting all the time around your face? or then again how it feels to continually continue hearing ""tick-tock""..a really irritating clamor as indicated by me.

You might not have any desire to acknowledge it but rather let's be honest. I'm the most important element in everybody's everyday life.

My history goes back to 725 AD when my precursor was concocted and he made a significant enormous unrest.

Afterward, my granddad, a tall and weighty clock who made soo a lot of commotion to break any youthful clock's arms..yikes!!

I was conceived in a residential community in Italy.

A distributer appreciated me and got me for an enormous whole.

Later I was purchased by a youthful fellow and he put me on a splendid blue divider in his house.

I cherished that put.

It was extremely interesting to see that good looking youthful individual quickly continue seeing me to check the position of my arms, frenzy, and shoot out of the house.

He must've been running late for work!

A couple of months after the fact, a pretty young lady wedded my owner and after one year, the house was loaded up with little humans.

Everybody appeared to be soo anxious to take a gander at me promptly in the first part of the day.

The lady used to take a gander at me first thing in thing toward the beginning of the day and rushed to the kitchen and cook to encourage to rest of the family.

I was disregarded generally of the day.

Life continued endlessly and one day, I surmise the family didn't care for me any longer.

The sold me off to an educator.

Next thing I knew, I was placed in a classroom brimming with modest humans who made as much commotion as fishmarket loaded up with irate angry individuals.

At the point when my little arm was at 9 and my long arm at 10, a chime was rung and every one of the children would sit discreetly in their places, anticipating their educator.

Each time my long arm finished one turn, the chime would be rung.

My life doesn't appear that interesting all things considered.

I continued going and ticking and giving individuals a chance to take a gander at me at irregular timings and constantly needed to disclose to them this-"".

Keep in mind, don't watch the clock.

Do what it does...keep going

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