Hindi, asked by ManavSingh9100, 1 year ago

essay on autobiography of earth


Answered by tanmay6396
dream of peace on earth is strongly rooted A in the human heart, but it was not in the mind of the architect when he planned the theater of the world, nor of the director when he cast the players for their several roles. The original plan that ter- restrial history shall unfold with turmoil has never suffered any significant alteration. The dead earth over which the pageant of life has streamed these many eons is dead only to the eye that does not see it as it really is. Through the ages conflict has marked the sojourn not only of plants and animals, but also of the clod beneath them. Man does not normally sense the war that rages beyond the walls of his ego. When he turns to the night sky full of stars, to the mountains ranging quiet and vast against the horizon, he is filled as likely as not with serenity. Poets sing endlessly of peace in woodland glades, of tranquillity in the slow moving river, of such satisfactions in the world of nature as their own world has denied them. But nature, alas, is as troubled as the human soul. The 3 4 AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF EARTH emotional chemistry that enables men to discover in her agitated heart surcease from their own agitations is a blessing sprung from other seed than reason. Yet it need not be despised by those who go abroad with a more critical eye. The human mind has many compartments, and the calm that comes from contemplation of beauty need not be destroyed by a knowledge of that which lies deeper than beauty. And despite a certain damage to the pride- ful ego, there is something salutary in knowing that the drama of human life is but an infinitesimal frag- ment of the drama of the universe. Men may forget the pounding in their hearts when they listen to the throbbing of nature. Since a very early age in human affairs there have been those who have regarded the earth not solely as a spectacle of beauty to ease the torments of living} not casually as a mere abode j not merely as a mirror wherein they may see the reflection of their own moods j but as a drama written in a for- eign tongue and challenging an attempt at transla- tion. The earth like all else in nature has written its own history, a dramatic story whose major themes are already known through the collaborative efforts of many translators. Out of the mists that shroud the earlier thought of the human mind have come ideas about the earth
Answered by Anonymous

Our Universe is very huge . It is made up of many many heavenly bodies like star , meteoroids, asteroids, planets etc .

Our earth is also one of them . Earth is in the Milky way galaxy . It is the only planet where life exists . Here found the atmosphere and water which are the two basic needs for survival of life.

Our earth is on 5 th rank according to size.

It's atmosphere is having 5 layers .

Our earth is spherical in size. It is commonly known as blue planet Because when we go above , we will found that it looks blue .

Our earth is covered by water and land .

It because when the earth was formed in starting it was a very big ball of volcanoes and when the reaction take place it rained for millions of years and the water got collected. The part of earth which got submerged is now sea and the above relief features are now the mountains. But in the sky it looks blue.

Earth is having a great variety of flaura and fauna . About 17-18 million of variety of flaura and fauna is on earth .

Our earth revolves around the sun . It complete one Revolution in 365¼ days .

It also rotate on its axis in 24 hours .

The rotation of earth is responsible for the day and night while the Revolution of earth is responsible for the seasonal changes in earth.

The earth is very beautiful. The really very much helpful for all of us . Today we are leaving a very comfortable life on earth all because of it .

We are having a very great loan of mother earth. We can't repay that loan .

Thanks dear mother earth !!

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