essay on automated traffic management system 250-350 words
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Positive changes in the appearance of the global transport are accompanied by a number of negative consequences, the scope and significance of which give grounds to evaluate them as strategic challenges both on national and continental scale. These include the unacceptable level of human losses, increased consumption of non-renewable sources of energy and the negative impact on the environment. Moreover, there is constantly growing delay of people and goods in all transport modes associated with both the objective lack of power of the transport infrastructure and low-traffic control. An example of human losses is data of UN. Around 1.3 million people in the world die and about 50 million persons are injured and maimed in car accidents every year. It is commensurate with the daily collapse of several large airplanes. According to forecasts of the World Health Organization in Geneva, if the countries will not take urgent and effective efforts to establish a safe transport and advanced control systems by 2030, more than 2.5 million people will die on the roads per year. It is not considering other modes of transport. Reducing multimillion damages causing death of people justifies the costs of developement and implementation of the new technologies (Stopher & Stanley, 2014).
The global transport community found the solution regarding creation of transportation systems instead of transport management ones, in which the means of communication, command and control are initially embedded in the vehicles and objects of infrastructure. Moreover, management capabilities (decision-making) obtained on the basis of real-time information are available not only to transport operators, but also to its users. The problem is solved by constructing an integrated system: people - transport infrastructure - means of transport with a maximum use of the latest information and control technologies. These “advanced” systems are called intelligent.
In the past 10 years, the phrase “intelligent transport systems” and the corresponding abbreviations ITS have become common in the strategic, policy and program-target documents of the developed countries. “Intelligent transport system is a name used to describe complex and very often state-of-the-art systems to improve the driving experience” (Williams, 2008, p. 3). Intelligent transport systems are a set of informational and communication systems and resources of automation in conjunction with the transport infrastructure, vehicles, and users providing the efficiency of the transportation process, increase its quality and safety. It is a international system of modern information and communication technologies and means of automation with transport infrastructure, vehicles, and users. These are focused on improving the safety and efficiency of the transport process as well comfort of drivers and transport users. The scope of ITS promotion in the world practice ranges from problem solving of public transport, a significant increase in road safety, elimination of congestion in the transport networks, improved performance of the intermodal transport system (including road, rail, air and maritime transport) to environmental and energy issues.
In today’s world, intelligent transportation systems are a new direction in science, engineering, economics, and business considered as the most effective tool for solving problems of transport and the source of creating new sectors in the industries. The efforts of states, international organizations, academia and business, as well as the public focus on such key areas as a significant increase in the safety of sea, rail, road transport, transportation by pipeline increased productivity and capacity of the internal and intermodal transport system. Starting from the 1980s, most countries of Western Europe and the Asia-Pacific region (including China and India) as well as the United States purposefully and systematically promote ITS as the basis of transport policy (Zhou & Li-min, 2011).
Intelligent transportation systems are a set of interconnected automated systems that solve the problem of traffic management, monitoring, and control of all types of transport (private, public and freight) informing businesses and citizens about the transport services organization in the region. “ITS has the unique capability to integrate different models of transportations, such as public auto, transit and infrastructure elements through communication and control” (Crowdhury & Sadek, 2003, p. 115). The main problems solved by ITS are improving the quality of public transport services, road safety and traffic. Moreover, these include enhanced capabilities of a citywide system of automated traffic control to meet the growing demand for passenger and freight transport in all transport modes, improving the quality of the state functions and public services performance in the transport complex of the region. The general structure of ITS