Essay on bad experience that taught you a lesson
When I started studying it didn’t take long until I was confused and disappointed.
Typically the lecturer dwelled endlessly on trivialities and rushes with lightning speed through everything complicated. Still, I continued visiting the lectures, simply because I thought that this is how you learn at the university level. I thought somehow something will stick subconsciously even though I didn’t learn anything consciously. The main reason I went to the lectures was that I feared I would miss something crucial if I didn’t go.
I also discovered that most textbooks are boring and useless. When you go the library and read the textbook your professor recommended, you usually end up more confused. As a beginner student, you only know a few textbooks and chances are high that they are all horrible.
Today I know that I wouldn’t have missed anything if I would have skipped the lectures. Today I know that there is no way to magically learn something subconsciously. Today I know why lectures and textbooks are typically boring and useless.