English, asked by dig63, 1 year ago

essay on beauty of nature​


Answered by Sumit15081947


Nature is the most important and integral part of the lives of everyone. Everyone has been blessed with the true love of God in the form of beautiful nature. We should never miss the pleasure of enjoying the nature. Nature has been the most favourite topic of the works of many famous poets, writers, painters and artists. Nature is the beautiful creation of the God which he blessed to us as a precious gift. Nature is everything which surrounds us like water, air, land, sky, fire, river, forests, animals, birds, plants, sun, moon, stars, sea, lake, rain, thunder, storm, etc. Nature is very colourful and has both living and non-living things in its lap.

Everything in the nature has their own power and uniqueness provided by the God. It has its many forms which are changing by season to season and even from minute to minute such as sea looks bright blue in the morning but by noon it looks emerald green colour. Sky changes its colour all through the day from pale pink at sunrise, dazzling blue in late morning, bright orange in evening at sunset and purple by twilight. Our mood also gets changed according to the nature such as happy and hopeful at sun shine, rainy season and spring season. We feel heartily happy at moonlight and little bored and tired in high sun light.

Nature has some powerful transformative power which changes our mood and behaviour accordingly. Nature has power to recover the patients from their diseases if they are provided with the required and pleasant environment. Nature is very essential for our healthy life so we should keep it clean and conserve it for our future generations. We should cut trees and forests, should not despoil the ocean, rivers, should not make hole in ozone layer, should not increase green house effect, global warming and many more through our selfish activities. We should get fully aware about our nature and try our best to keep it natural so that it can nourish life on the earth forever.

Answered by shivjal

Byron said, “I love not man the less but nature more”.

The poets are the lovers of nature. The countless objects of nature or things of beauty that are a joy forever. God is the Artist and nature is His art.

“The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork” – Bible

The mountains and the oceans the sky and the sea, the sun the moon and the stars, the flowers, and the meadows, the chirping of the birds and the music of the waters–all these possess an unearthly beauty. Anyone who is blind to such beauties of nature and deaf to her music must be dead in soul. The visible shapes of nature, her sights and sounds speak to the poets the language of love and beauty.

William Wordsworth the greatest poet of nature says, “my heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky”.

The beauties of Kashmir beggar description. The clear cool waters, the gentle breezes, the coiling rivers, the bubbling springs, the freshwater lakes and the snow-clad mountains of Kashmir are very charming indeed. While praising the beauty of Kashmir a poet has aptly said:

“Hail! Paradise of endless pleasures!

Hail! Beautiful and beloved Kashmir.”

Baron loved the stormy ocean and called it the Image of God and the Throne of the Almighty. The waves of ocean Sing the divine music. When the full moon sketches her silvery beams and shines on the earth, there is a commotion in the sea and mountainous tides rise high as if to touch the moon. The moon is a pale maiden and the ocean is her lover. The moonlit nights are the image of beauty. And in the dark nights, the stars shine like sleepless sentinels (watchmen) of the night. Byron said, “Ye stars! Which are the poetry of heaven.”

The snow-clad mountains with the neighbor, with the sky, are the greatest sight. Torrential rains wash them, white snow falls on their forehead, the breezes and storm blow Cross them. Nature has been very generous to both Kashmir and Switzerland. In springtime there, Meadows are gay with the lowest flowers and streams sleep and dance merrily as they flow down their valleys.

Painters make pictures of the grassy fields, streams, and flowering trees. Those works of art are sold at high prices. But come out! Here are the beauteous sights of nature, more beautiful than any painting, which is, after all, imitation. Nature is the best painter in technicolor. The beauty of the sunset beggars description. And dawn has inspired the poets to write poetry that moves the words of millions.

The butterfly with its silken wings flits from flower to flower. At night the glow worm lights its lamp among the flowers and grass. The nightingale pours about her heart in sweet, sad music, while the skylark sings ecstatic lyrics. Nature is love, nature is beauty, nature is joy.

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