Essay on begging an evil
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hello dude
The answer is " The problem of beggary is widespread in our country. We come through hordes of beggars wherever we go-on street rners, at traffic lights, at temples and even historical monuments.
Beggars are people who depend on alms from other people for their living. They are of numerous kinds. Some are physically handicapped, either lame or blind or crippled and so take to begging.
There are some people who having lost everything, become beggars. However, some are able- bodied people, who instead of doing some graceful work, undertake begging as their profession. Sometimes, they start this profession due to extreme poverty but most of the times they prefer it because it enables them earn their living easily. We also see child and orphan beggars at every nook and corner.
The handicapped beggars easily win the sympathy of the people. They are really in need of our help and they should be helped time to time either in form of money or food. Similarly, the child and orphan beggars also present a very deplorable sight.
They also remain successful in gaining our sympathy. But what to talk about those beggars who are physically sound and take to begging due to religious sanction? They easily impress the ladies and less educated people and through their art of fortelling about their (ladies and others) future in a very authentic manners and thus gain a lot. Sometimes they cheat the innocent people. Many a criminal finds refuge in the guise of such religions Sadhus and Fakirs.
This is a matter of national shame for us. Lack of sufficient employment opportunities, effective welfare schemes for the weaker sections of society, indebtedness and exploilation by criminal gangs are responsible for this condition of society. Criminal gangs who kidnap children and train them to arouse pity of others often organise beggary. After sometime, these children become experts this type of begging in indeed harmful.
The evils of beggery must be stopped. Several states have passed laws against it and the Union Government has even considered passing a unifrom law against it. However, laws alone cannot put an end to this problem. The factors that lead to this practice have to be tackled.
First of all, beggars' homes should be opened where they are given vocational training so that they can earn a decent living. Common people should be educated to understand that they should not encourage begging by giving alms to such people. Beggars should be encouraged to work and lead a life of dignity. The criminal gangs who organise begging must be uprooted by taking strong measures.
Though the problem of beggary is very complicated, yet we can solve it by creating public opinion against it and by arousing a sense of self-respect among the hordes of beggars. We can also at times divert their potentialities towards some creative work."
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The answer is " The problem of beggary is widespread in our country. We come through hordes of beggars wherever we go-on street rners, at traffic lights, at temples and even historical monuments.
Beggars are people who depend on alms from other people for their living. They are of numerous kinds. Some are physically handicapped, either lame or blind or crippled and so take to begging.
There are some people who having lost everything, become beggars. However, some are able- bodied people, who instead of doing some graceful work, undertake begging as their profession. Sometimes, they start this profession due to extreme poverty but most of the times they prefer it because it enables them earn their living easily. We also see child and orphan beggars at every nook and corner.
The handicapped beggars easily win the sympathy of the people. They are really in need of our help and they should be helped time to time either in form of money or food. Similarly, the child and orphan beggars also present a very deplorable sight.
They also remain successful in gaining our sympathy. But what to talk about those beggars who are physically sound and take to begging due to religious sanction? They easily impress the ladies and less educated people and through their art of fortelling about their (ladies and others) future in a very authentic manners and thus gain a lot. Sometimes they cheat the innocent people. Many a criminal finds refuge in the guise of such religions Sadhus and Fakirs.
This is a matter of national shame for us. Lack of sufficient employment opportunities, effective welfare schemes for the weaker sections of society, indebtedness and exploilation by criminal gangs are responsible for this condition of society. Criminal gangs who kidnap children and train them to arouse pity of others often organise beggary. After sometime, these children become experts this type of begging in indeed harmful.
The evils of beggery must be stopped. Several states have passed laws against it and the Union Government has even considered passing a unifrom law against it. However, laws alone cannot put an end to this problem. The factors that lead to this practice have to be tackled.
First of all, beggars' homes should be opened where they are given vocational training so that they can earn a decent living. Common people should be educated to understand that they should not encourage begging by giving alms to such people. Beggars should be encouraged to work and lead a life of dignity. The criminal gangs who organise begging must be uprooted by taking strong measures.
Though the problem of beggary is very complicated, yet we can solve it by creating public opinion against it and by arousing a sense of self-respect among the hordes of beggars. We can also at times divert their potentialities towards some creative work."
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