English, asked by ankittomar2257, 6 months ago

Essay on "Bio Diversity - what can we do " 500 words​


Answered by sciencelover501946


  • Biodiversity is all around us, in the potted plants mosquitoes in our homes, to the millions of spices of animals and plants that exists in the forests in the world. In simple words, biodiversity refers to plentitude of flora and fauna around us in the world, on planet earth,it plays an incredibly necessary role in the world.
  • There are thousand of spices today there are endemic to specific reasons in the world, which means that if the ecosystem in those reasons cease to exist, these spices of flora and fauna will, too.For example, the lumers of Madagascar are endemic to Madagascar. Due to human made circumstances, ecosystem are being destroyed, resulting in endemic spices being put under the category of endangered. Endangered spices are those on the verge of extinction, more often than not, due to unnecessary activities of human beings. The Bengal tiger in endangered and dodo bird is extinct for centuries now.
  • Even though biodiversity is decreasing there are ways to restore it,even if not completely to its full extinct. The best way to do this is reforestation, which refers to replanting trees to allow the forest to grow its trees back.


HOPE IT HELP'S.........

Answered by Anonymous


Kidhar ho ankit@pihu kaha ho yar

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