Essay on blood donation
Blood donation refers to a practice where people donate their blood to people so it helps them with their health problems. Blood is one of the most essential fluids of our body that helps in the smooth functioning of our body. If the body loses blood in excessive amounts, people to get deadly diseases and even die. Thus, we see how blood donation is literally life-saving which helps people. It is also a sign of humanity that unites people irrespective of caste, creed, religion and more.

World Blood Donor Day
In order to raise awareness about this life-saving procedure, the world observes 14th June as Blood Donor Day. It promotes blood donation and urges people to save lives by donating blood.
Furthermore, this day is quite an important day as it makes people about safe blood. People need to know the basics to be able to donate blood. For instance, there are certain criteria one must fulfill to donate blood. Not everyone knows that. Thus, this day helps in doing so.
Most importantly, on this day, the WHO organizes a campaign that invites people to donate blood. A person eligible to donate blood must fall in the age bracket of 17-66 years of age. They must weigh more than 50 kgs and have sound health. People suffering from diseases like diabetes, hypertension and more cannot donate blood.
Therefore, on World Blood Donor Day, they also appreciate blood donors for their contribution to making the world a better place.

Blood is a significant component of our body which constitutes almost 7% of the body weight. Blood donation is a noble act where a healthy person donates blood for the use of ailing people.
There are four main types of blood groups, namely A, B, O, and AB. The O blood group people are called the universal donor, and AB blood group people are named universal recipients.
Blood donation camps are held all over the world to spread awareness about the importance of blood donation so that more people can contribute towards the process of saving lives
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