Biology, asked by sahil8816, 11 months ago

Essay on brain drain its advantage and disadvantage


Answered by sureshlohar77

Human capital flight, popularly called Brain drain is a phenomenon in many developing countries. And for the developed countries it is brain gain. It is human migration of skilled people, something happening for a very long time in history.

Advantages of Brain drain:

It allows excess number of highly skilled people to find well paying job opportunities outside their native country. That way other skilled people of the native country will find opportunities in their own nation. This is particularly true in India. About a couple of decades before, there were a lot of highly educated but jobless people. With some of them having gone outside of India for work, the locals are able to get that work. This way, it helps reduce the percentage of jobless people in India.

The income from the emigrated people comes back to the native country as overseas remittances. India is recipient of the highest amount of foreign currency coming in as remittances from NRIs.

It helps improve the education and infrastructure in the native country, which in turn develops country further, because the native country realizes the value of well educated people. In India, it helped spur the growth of software education.

Disadvantages of brain drain:

The cream of highly skilled people will leave the native country and only the next set of people will be available to fill the jobs in the native country. In India in many jobs of government organization like ISRO etc., I believe there is a dearth of highly skilled people being available.

It creates a social impact in the native country. Many people in the native country will think that highly educated people will quite likely leave India and it creates a disconnect

Answered by Prakshi1415


Brain Drain refers to substantial emigration or migration of individuals. Furthermore, such individuals possess the advantage of higher training at home. Moreover, Brain Drain shows the net loss for the sending country. One reason for Brain Drain could be turmoil within a nation. Another reason could be better pay in other countries/organizations. Most noteworthy, Brain Drain is the mass departure of individuals of talents and skills from a country.

Essay on Brain Drain

Types of Brain Drain

Geographical Brain Drain- This refers to the emigration of individuals of high-skills and high-brilliance to other nations. Furthermore, this departure takes place in search of better-paying jobs. Also, these better-paying jobs will lead to a higher standard of living. Most noteworthy, geographical Brain Drain creates a negative impact on the home country’s economic development.

Organizational Brain Drain – This refers to the departure of individuals of skill, talent, and experience from one organization to another. Furthermore, organizational Brain Drain is very harmful for the organization in which this exodus occurs.

Industrial Brain Drain – This type involves the movement of skillful workers from one industry to another. Furthermore, industrial Brain Drain is the departure of individuals from one industry to another for better pay. Consequently, this causes a deficiency of talent in the industry which loses its workers to other industries.

Brain Drain by Geographical Regions

Brain Drain in Europe follows two distinct trends. The first is an exodus of scientists of high qualification from Western Europe to the United States. Furthermore, the second trend is the migration of skillful workers from Central and South-eastern Europe into Western Europe.

African countries have lost a massive amount of skilled and talented individuals to developed nations. Most noteworthy, this makes it very difficult for African countries to come out of poverty. Furthermore, the most affected nations are Nigeria, Kenya, and Ethiopia.

There has been considerable emigration of talent from the Middle East. In Iraq under Saddam Hussain, there was a significant migration of professionals. This was due to a lack of support for these professionals under Saddam Hussain.

Also, in Iran, there is substantial emigration of skillful professionals on an annual basis. Moreover, the Arab world in general witnesses a huge amount of departures of experts. These departures are certainly due to better opportunities in technical fields in the west.

South Asia experiences a tremendous amount of emigration of talent. Furthermore, this trend is continuously rising year after year. Gulf Countries are a particularly favorite work location for many South Asians. Most noteworthy, there is a lot of demand for South Asian skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled labor in the Gulf. Moreover, other favorite work locations for South Asians include Canada, United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.

To sum it up, Brain Drain is a widespread phenomenon these days. Many developing countries suffer from this problem of losing their talent to other countries. Most noteworthy, the government must take stern measures to control this loss of talent.

FAQs on Brain Drain

Q1 What is Organizational Brain Drain?

A1 Organizational Brain Drain refers to the departure of skillful individuals from one organization to another.

Q2 Explain any one Brain Drain trend in Europe?

A2 One Brain Drain trend in Europe is the migration of highly qualified scientists from Western Europe to the United States.

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