Essay on browsing internet and email
Answer: The Internet can be a huge and scary informational jungle for a non-expert. Given the enormous amount of information that the internet contains, this is no surprise. There are things that one can do though, to make their quest for knowledge easier. When looking for a specific item in this cyberactive library it is easier to have a plan, and then focus on a particular subject. Most likely, using a search tool will be your first means of finding what it is that you need. When using a search tool for the first time it is best to develop a general understanding of it. First, get to know how it works, and the type of language used when dealing with it. For example, each search tool usually has its own unique criteria, thus making the search for information that much more difficult. Responses to a particular query can vary greatly from search tool to search tool. Also the same query sent by the same inspection tool may come up with various responses from day to day, because web pages are constantly being added, removed, and updated. You will find; if you consistently use the internet, that things will become much less difficult for you as your experience broadens. The very first time I used the internet I was very intimidated, and thought that anyone who could use such an elaborate thing must be a genius. The many search tools and the complexities of their use baffled me. Now, I zip around the information highway like a whiz kid, and I have come to view the whole thing as one huge library. To speed up your searches, bookmark your favorite search tools for future use. You can also bookmark certain helpful sites while you are searching, so that you can come back to them later without wasting time by searching for them again.