Essay on Change is always good in 400-450 words
Nowadays, people are arguing whether an ideal lifestyle should be a stable one or should it include a wide ranges of changes.
In my opinion, whether changes are needed -- should be determined -- the stages of lives you are at.
Apparently, alternations in life are favorable to the development of young people, in regards to their careers. Primarily, an abundant experience in varieties of jobs enables the young to master a broad range of techniques and skills, leading to -- significant edge over the counterparts in the competition for employment. Meanwhile, trying various roles in life and work provides -- wide selections of lifestyles for the young in the future. Only after this comparison can they realize what the real goals of their lives should be striven for.
However, other than frequent changes, the elderly who have undergone all these challenges may pursue a steady lifestyle. For the elders, concentration on their favorite activities would give rise to a sense of enjoyment and security, which is helpful to physical and psychological health. Due to a stable life, the elderly are less exposed to stress, leading to a decrease in adrenal hormones and resulting in their well-beings.
Furthermore, degeneration of mental and physical function would make the elderly unlikely to adapt to external changes, causing frustrations and depressions, which are not contributing to their health.
Above all, it is unlikely to describe the changes in life with a positive or negative term. Accommodation for personal needs and goals is more important than the changes themselves.
Things change all the time; and often people fear them. Some believe change is the worst thing that could happen, but that is not always the case. In order to move on with life, things must change. I believe that change is good, and if nothing changed, then life would not exist for most people. I also believe that people should purposely make changes in their life, in order to experience new things, and see how one can benefit from doing things differently. Most of the time, people will find that changes help them understand things better, and enjoy life more. Change allows people to grow, not only mentally, but also physically and emotionally.
When my parents got separated, I thought my life as I knew it was over. I thought to myself, “What am I going to do now?” Many months past by and I was still upset. As more time went by I started to think of all the good things that had been happening as a result of these changes. I was happier, and my brother and I were getting along better. Eventually, I accepted that fact that this was the way it had to be, and in reality, it was a good thing for not only me, but my family as well.
Another example of change in my life was going into G.E.M.I.N.I in school. G.E.M.I.N.I is a program in school that allows kids to be in a more relaxed and fun environment. Before I was in G.E.M.I.N.I, I was miserable. School was a very painful boring experience for me. After I realized I was able to be happier in school, every aspect of my life instantly got better. This change was very beneficial because I am now able to concentrate on school, and actually enjoy it.
Change can be as simple as changing your daily routine, or as complicated as making life-altering decisions. People who take risks and make changes in their lives are very brave, and also very smart. I believe that everyone should try to mix up their lives at some point, as an experiment to see what works for you. Whether or not someone likes what these changes have brought into their lives, it is still a great opportunity to learn about oneself and others. Change is a very powerful thing, and that is not realized by many. Some changes are out of your control, and others can be made entirely by yourself. Regardless, it allows you to experience life, enjoy life, and learn a lot along the way.