write everything about that
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Chernobyl was one of the largest and most powerful nuclear reactors
in the former Soviet Union. It was used to power the part of the U.S.S.R
now known as Ukraine. Also it was thought of as one of the safest
nuclear reactors in the world. But on April 26, 1986 something went
terribly wrong. On that day, after a sudden power surge, two explosions
destroyed the reactor core and blasted a large hole in the roof of the
reactor building. The Chernobyl Accident negatively affected the
climate, health, environment, agriculture, and the population of the
Ukraine and surrounding countries.
The disaster had a tremendous impact on the world's climate. Two
explosions were followed by a prolonged release of large quantities of
radioactive substances to the atmosphere. A widespread distribution of
radioactivity throughout the Northern Hemisphere took place right after
the accident. A contributing factor was the variation of meteorological
conditions and wind regimes during the period of release. Activity
transported by the multiple plumes from Chernobyl was measured not only
in Northern and in Southern Europe, but also in Canada, Japan and the
United States.
The health impact of the Chernobyl accident can be
described in terms of acute health effects (death, severe health
impairment), late health effects (cancers) and psychological effects
liable to affect health. The acute health effects occurred among the
plant personnel and the persons who intervened in the emergency phase to
fight fires, provide medical aid and immediate clean-up operations. A
total of 31 persons died as a consequence of the accident, and about 140
persons suffered various degrees of radiation sickness and health
impairment (NEA95). No members of the general public suffered these
kinds of effects.
However, many people suffered from late health effects such as thyroid cancer.
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