Essay on childen are the future
the wealth of a nation is not so much in its of economical and natural resources but it lies more decently in the kind and quality of the wealth of its children and it is state who will be the creators and shapers of nations tomorrow the childrens of today will be adults of tomorrow. today'sleaders and activists their quality and personality will determine the kind of destiny that becomes the nation in it there for become mandatory for every Nation and every society tune nurture a strong healthy and Intel occasional youth it is the responsibility of the adults to direct the youth in decide direction the youth of a nation is its power house they have boundless source of energy will capability and addresses and have the power to more the Destiny of the nation this infinite storehouse of energy has to be properly molded and needs to be given appropriate direction the youth has to train to use their talents leads to give an appropriate direction the youth has to be trained to use their talents and abilities and constructive base and have nation building and sweating of it without harnessing.