Essay on chinese apps banned in india
Essay on Chinese apps banned in India.
The Ban
On 29th June 2020, India banned 59 Chi_nese Appzs and under section 69a of IT Act the famous Tik_Tok ap_p was also ban_ned as by reasoning that it is threat to national security and has cause disturbance in ones perso_nal privac_y. The government issued an explanation that these ap_ps are illegally exporting d_ata to locations outside India or to other neighbouring countries. It didn’t mention the relation of a_pps with China, but these ap_ps are mostly having an origin in Chi_na or have a major part of inve_stments from compa_nies situated in Chi_na or we can say by Chin_ese.
Impact of Chin_ese Ap_ps
psIn India
There was a a very positive impact which was clearly visible among the Indian crowd. Enhancement of Indian a_pps was found a lot.
If we take example of an gaming a_pp named PU_BG it is tho mostly used by Indian but when is banned is giving advantage to other ga_ming ap_ps.