Social Sciences, asked by jainarayan, 1 year ago

essay on clean india


Answered by sarahsatyakrupa
cleanliness is godliness:

cleanliness means maintaining neatness both physically and mentally.we can estimate and analyses a person by his way of dressing.If one dressed carelessly all the people will assess hi character .

a good heart is moulded from a good character.cleanliness of mind will promote spiritual perfection and happiness

swachh bharat is a campaign recently anounced by our PM.NARENDRA MODI.This is a campaign to bring out/produce a clean india.This campaign is for the clean environment and for a clean India tomorrow.This campaign will end/finish at 2019.
t is a cleanliness program  signed by our P.M.he took broom and he started

Answered by shivam2000
Clean India campaign was organized by India's 15th Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that it was a gift for Mahatma Gandhi on his birthday which is on 2nd October. On this occasion Narendra Modi himself cleans many surroundings and also forced people to clean and make their country green and clean. For this he selected his 'Navratna'(Sachin Tendulkar, Amir Khan etc)

At last I would say cleanliness is a path towards godliness.

So come on and make our country clean and green.

To understand the value of cleanliness in our lives i am presenting a article on 
cleanliness is a path towards godliness.

                             Cleanliness is next to godliness                                     
It is very true that cleanliness is next to godliness. Here the question rises why is cleanliness is next to godliness and what is this cleanliness. Cleanliness  refers to remain clean both physically ( body ) and mentally( brain and heart). Cleanliness means removal of dirt from the body and heart and brain. When dirt is removed from the body it’s mean removal of disease from the body. 

Cleanliness also tells about our personality and our characters . If we wear clean cloths we get respect from the society. And if we don’t wear clean cloth we are not able to get respect from society. In every religions like Hinduism and Islam before worship cleaning is done . Also god loves those who keep themselves clean and  pure . 

For example= AT diwali before worship people used to clean their houses. They used to paint their houses. This gives that the god only comes there where cleaning in done . There is a clean environment. 

Hence cleanliness is next to godliness.
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