essay on clean india
Answered by
The Clean Water,environment and surroundings,home.Act has made advances to
our society that have helped
our Environment to flourish with life.Take out the rubbish and such, and
the students themselves take responsibility for keeping their school
green. "cleanliness is next to godliness"clean AND green maintain our environment clean and green
Keep plants around the house.It was organized by India's 15th Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Clean india is duty of every citizen
Cleanliness India is a beautiful India
Lets be cleaned lets be civilized
Clean India we get green India
cleanliness is a godliness
Clean india is duty of every citizen
Cleanliness India is a beautiful India
Lets be cleaned lets be civilized
Clean India we get green India
cleanliness is a godliness
Answered by
Clean India and
Green India:
This clean India is mission made by our current Prime Minister of India by Sri Nadrendra Modhi ji. On the year 2014 on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Ga-ndhi ji, 2nd October, 2014. This mission is also known as Swatch Bharat Abhiyan.
This is to make our India clean and green without any waste or rubbish in our surroundings and to make India green, clean for making India beautiful and also eco-friendly. Most of the garbage, wastes are being managed by our citizens of India from the statement of the mission clean India.
Now this year 2020 nearly 6 years the wastes in our country are being turned eco-friendly to the nature. Let's pledge that we may save trees, make India completely clean and green.
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