Essay on continuous happiness and prosperity is an acheivable human aspiration
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Exploring Happiness and Prosperity:
Happiness: Happiness may be defined as being in harmony/ synergy in the states/ situations that we live in. Happiness is being in a state of liking. Unhappiness is a lack of this synergy or harmony. To be in a state of disliking is unhappiness.
Happy situations comprise of feelings such as trust, respect, confidence etc. All these feelings carry an element of harmony in them. Hence they make us feel relaxed and happy.
On the other hand, feelings like failure, disrespect, lack of confidence, doubt etc. lack the element of harmony and hence make us unhappy.
Prosperity: It is the feeling of having more physical facilities than required. Prosperity creates a desire to share what one possesses. However, since the need for physical facilities is limitless, the feeling of prosperity cannot be assured.
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