Essay on corona pandemic 250-300 words
Novel corona virus,had its break out in WUHAN , CHINA . Or also known as COVID-19 . CO is derived from"corona " , vi from"virus" , d from disease and -19 means it broke out in the year 2019.So COVID-19 simply means "corona virus disease found in 2019".this virus declared a pandemic in january 2020 . india has taken many steps to fight COVID-19 . WUHAN ,china had sufferd the most amount of cases.then was italy,spain,us,uk,southkorea,north korea .now india this pandemic is a killer virus . covid-19 affects are
1. flu
3.breathing difficulties
4. strong cold
5. joint pain
this weakens the human body
the people who have survived this pandemic were already in good health condition. even though studies show that a few people were cured by malaria drug
hope it helps you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!