English, asked by modirishabkumar12367, 1 year ago

Essay on covid 19 and environment interrelation and betterment for the environment ( 300 - 400) words
Point to be remembered
Origin of covid 19
Interrelation between Covid-19 and Environment
Effect of Covid-19 on persons of different occupation
Measures undertaken by Government
Learning from Covid-19 to protect Environment in future
Humanity Angle and conclusion


Answered by soumyan321


essay on covid-19


the origin of covid-19 begins at wuhanhubei proviencechina the corona cases started on December 2019 the full form of covid-19 is coronaviruse disease 2019. corona viruses stays on metals for nearly 72 hours. covid-19 or corona viruses speard frequently on cold areas as the fall of sunlight when the temperature increase the viruses dies. it effects mainly on farmers traders. And the belong to tourist sector,marketers.the effects the measures undertaken by the government are allowing lockdown curfews the government are taking preventive measures 1. social distance as corona viruses spears through physical contraction grouping make the virsue spread the common symptoms of corona viruses are fever dry cough cold severe headache. rt-pcr is the test which says corona viruses for him is positive or negative.as the viruses attack mainly on over lungs it is important for our future generations to eco-friendly if everyone follow a proper exercise,good air(oxygen)to breath. nobody will die if this three is available properly shocking fact:the 80% of the positive people have no symptoms. a few people have few symptoms. the who have huge symptoms death rate 25%.

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