English, asked by ushatriapthit, 21 days ago

Essay on cow 1 st has answer to me we give brainlist person and star​


Answered by palak2372


The cow is a domestic animal which is considered useful to mankind.

It is used as livestock mainly for providing various dairy products like milk, ghee and cheese.

It is found in various colours, shapes and sizes around the world.

In India, the cow is regarded as a sacred animal by Hindus and worshipped by them from ancient times.

It has two ears and eyes each, one big nose, two sharp horns, a long tail and four limbs.

It eats fresh grass, husk, grain and vegetables.

Cow’s milk is very nutritious and beneficial for human consumption.

Drinking cow milk regularly sharpens our brain and increases immunity power.

Farmers often use a male cow known as an ox to plough the fields and draw carts.

The cow dung is used by people as fuel and fertilizer for plants and for repelling insects

Answered by asharajendran35


cow is one of the most innocent and loving domestic animals who are harmless. They are kept in homes, for they are beneficial in various ways. If the general physical description of a cow is to be given then, a cow is a four-legged animal with a large body and two horns, a mouth, two eyes, and two ears.

The significant benefit of a cow is that they give us milk, which helps us to keep our body fit and immunity healthy. Cow’s milk has a rich content of phosphorus, calcium, vitamin D and B, and potassium. It is also very rich in protein. A cow’s milk can be used to make various dairy products, for example, butter, clarified butter, curd, cottage cheese, cheese, and many other products. Cow’s milk is the most consumed and versatile in the world. Skimmed or toned milk, where the fat quantity has been reduced can be consumed by people who do not want to gain weight.Even the fecal matter of cows, known as cow dung, is a very beneficial product. It is used in the making of biogas and renewable source of energy as it has a lot of methane content in it. In a rural area, cow dung is used to make dry cow dung cakes, which are used as fuel for burning and are used in the kitchen to providing a flame for cooking daily. It is also used as fertile manure in the fields. Cow dung is a useful insect repellent and a building raw material for paper making.

The flesh of the cow is tanned to make cow leather, and it is the most widely used form of leather all over the world. It used for making shoes, belts, soles of shoes, car seat covers, and many more things. If summed up, cow leather makes up for almost 65% to 75% of leather production across the globe.

Cows are also raised as livestock for meat. Countries like France and Brazil are the largest exporter of cow meat, called beef. It is one of the most consumed red meat in the world and is used to make many famous delicacies around the world.Hindu mythology, cows play are an essential role. The ardent followers of Hinduism consider cows to be a sacred animal and firmly believe that the killing of cows is the greatest sin of all. A cow is given the status of “mother” and is called “Gau Maata” in Hinduism. The present government of India has taken a lot of measures to protect the cows from any danger.

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