English, asked by Gigimoanpk7986, 10 months ago

Essay on cowards die many times before their death


Answered by ashadubey230



Occurs in Shakespeare’s play, ‘Julius Caesar’. It is a part of a speech by Caesar in reply to his wife Calpurnia’s warning that he should not move out of doors because some evil omens suggest some dangers to his life. Caesar refused to be distributed by superstitions and says that death is no terror for him. He is not afraid of death. He declares that the idea of death can disturb only the cowards. He is brave and thinks that only cowards are moved by the fear of death. Death comes to all-the kings and the beggars, the rich and the poor, the princes and paupers, the virtuous and the wicked. It lays its icy hands on all creatures, without any distinction or discrimination. It is a folly to be afraid of death. People turn pale at the thought of death. Even religious people who know that death would definitely come and that it would come at a predetermined time, are afraid of death.

A coward remains in constant dread. His heart sinks when he hears of death. Death is like a sword of Democles hanging over his head. His day starts with fear and ends with fear. The possibility of war, famine, earthquake or a flood makes a coward walks on the road with full care and does not come down the pavement fearing that some vehicle might crush him. He cannot enjoy a sound sleep. Life become a constant fear for him. Even in happy moment of life he is afraid that these things would come to an end. Whenever he hears of some death, he begins to tremble and he starts thinking of his own death. The idea of death always occupies his mind and he lives under constant fear. He meets death may times in his imagination and suffers all the terrors of hell. He has already suffered the pangs of death may times in his imagination and suffers all the terrors of hell. He has already suffered the pangs of death many times long before death actually overtakes him.

A brave man, on the contrary, maintains an attitude of defiance towards death. He knows quite well that death must come to one and all. If death is inevitable, what is the use of grumbling and wasting time in thinking about it? It is useless to pity oneself at the thought of death. A brave man, even in the most adverse circumstances, displays courage. In any event, he is confident that death can do no harm to him. At the most, it can kill his body and in that event, the spirit would remain behind. Death has undone so many but has death succeeded in killing the spirit or name of all? Those who died in a great cause, never die. They continue to live forever. What has death done to Gandhi, Napoleon, Subhash, Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and so many other brave persons? Death could kill their bodies alone. Their spirits still live amongst us. Even a mention of their names inspires us to face death courageously when it comes.

Death is not a dreadful monster. It is something natural and necessary. Death is inevitable and no fear of death, no self-pity can alter the fact. Death rather increased the important of life. It is, therefore, meaningless to go about life in perpetual fear of death. A brave person never dies whereas a coward dies everybody of his existence.

hope this will be helpfull

pls mark me as brainliest

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