Essay on creating a society full of kindness 700 words
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Kindness is the act of being considerate and helpful towards other people. Kindness is the key to changing the perception of people towards each other. It helps people to develop empathy towards other people. It is a good way to help students to understand the importance of empathy which can play a big role in establishing human relationships. Kindness is not only important in small communities. It can be a key element that is needed to unite different communities. Kindness is required in society as it helps to build societies. It can help to decrease the number of misunderstandings and create an environment with fewer conflicts. Students can find sample papers on kindness from writing services websites. Although thinking of kindness essay plan and structure is important, special attention should also be placed on how to outline an interesting introduction and conclusion for essays on kindness.
i hope it will help u to understand ..
Kindness is a gift anyone can effort to give. Love and kindness are never wasted. They always make a difference. They bless the one who receive them, and they bless you, “THE GIVER”. People are interested how to become rich, how to be beautiful or how to find the new friends, but there are not too many requests how to become kind. But in our world, the kindness is something, that is needed the most in the modern society. It will be always on trend and people will always value it.
Unfortunately, the society is very cruel now and we need to have something good in our life. If we, as human beings, are greedy and selfish, and show hatred, jealousy and anger, we are far from being kind. Our deeds, words and thoughts then reveal only unkindness. Kindness is an important quality for life to flourish. We can show kindness to all those around us.
An act of kindness need not be something great; any small deed of kindness can help someone who is in misery or agony. And it can bring cheer to the person who feels relief. If kindness is the act of being kind as defined by the Oxford dictionary, it means "caring about others; and generous". However, I believe that the definition can be extended and better encompassed by the Australian Kindness Movement which states "an act of kindness is a message from one heart to another, an act of love, an unspoken "I care" statement". Kindness, when allowed to flourish, is an all pervasive, all transcending, flowing current which sustains mankind and which is absolutely fundamental within our society and world. If we are to establish the value of kindness, then we must find a scale on which to measure it.
In the most logical way to deduct the value of something, then let us use the scale which is most commonly called upon in our society, cost. Kindness can cost a pound put towards helping a homeless person to stay in a shelter for the night, a fifty pound donation towards the aid of the distressed and displaced flood victims in Pakistan, or the sum of a cheque written to help a friend in need. However, a kind word is free, as is sharing your umbrella in the rain, or stopping to ask someone if they need help. At this point it is essential to establish that a true act of kindness is something that is done without expectation of something in return- lest it be confused for something else.
For example, at a glance, it seems that kindness is practiced throughout the animal kingdom widely and regularly. Take the chimpanzee that spends hours of its day grooming others around it, something which seems like a kind and selfless act. However, this is done not fully out of kindness, but rather in the expectation that it will be groomed in turn and also to affirm its position in the hierarchy of the troupe. Therefore, from the purely evolutionary perspective kind acts in the animal kingdom can more realistically be viewed as reciprocity, a phenomenon found in all social animals whereby individuals perform altruistic acts borne of the selfish calculation that these will come to benefit themselves in some way in the future.
It is believed, that there was the kindness in the people from the beginning. Because kindness is seeing the best in others when they cannot see it in themselves.
Explanation: being kind is a beautiful thing