essay on "creative uses of other material instead of plastic"
minimum 100 words
Plastic is an essential part of our daily lives today. There are few materials which can match the flexibility, versatility, lightness, and affordability of plastic. But what we cannot ignore is the constantly increasing toll that this takes on our ecosystem. The very properties that make plastic so useful to us - durability, resistance to environmental degradation - are what make plastic so deadly to our world.
Problems with Plastic
Plastics are the common name for carbon-based polymers. They can be melted, molded, remelted, remolded, and so on almost forever. But one of the downsides to this is that a lot of that carbon comes from oil, and that’s not very good for the environment.
Another one of the problems that stem from our excessive uses of plastics is recycling - or the lack of it. Some plastics can be recycled, but very, very little of it actually is. Each year in the US, about seven billion tons of polyvinyl chloride plastic (known to most as PVC) is used. Only a quarter of a percent of this is recycled. Plastic waste is piling up at an alarming rate.
This waste plastic often leaches toxic chemicals into the surrounding water, where it can cause widespread disease and death in the surrounding creatures.Pollution is one of the biggest downsides to plastic. Besides ordinary pollution, the processes involved in producing plastic from natural gas and oil belch tons of harmful chemicals into our ecosystem every day.
For all these reasons, we need an alternative to plastic. That conclusion was obvious. The hard part is finding an alternative - one that mimics the many pros of plastic without so many of the cons. There aren’t a lot of materials that do this. But there are a few, discussed in broad outline below.
Plastic is becoming an indispensible element of our daily life. Few materials can equal plastic's flexibility, versatility, lightness, and cost. But we can't overlook the ever-increasing toll this is having on our ecosystem. Plastic's fundamental features that make it valuable to humans - durability, resistance to environmental deterioration - are also what make it fatal to our planet.
Carbon-based polymers are commonly referred to as plastics. They can nearly infinitely be melted, moulded, remelted, remoulded, and so on. However, one disadvantage is that much of that carbon comes from oil, which is bad for the environment.
Recycling - or the lack thereof - is another issue that stems from our over usage of plastics. Some plastics can be recycled, although only a small portion of it is. Every year, around seven billion tonnes of polyvinyl chloride plastic (also known as PVC) are used in the United States. Only around a fourth of this is recycled. Plastic garbage is increasing at an alarming rate.This waste plastic frequently leaches hazardous compounds into the surrounding water, where they can cause widespread disease and death in aquatic life. One of the most serious disadvantages of plastic is pollution. Aside from regular pollution, the processes involved in the production of plastic from natural gas and oil emit tonnes of toxic chemicals into our environment every day.
For all of these reasons, we require a plastic substitute. That was an obvious conclusion. The difficult aspect is finding a substitute that mirrors the many benefits of plastic while avoiding many of its drawbacks. There aren't many materials that accomplish this. However, there are a handful, which are briefly addressed below.