English, asked by kaurjas1462, 1 year ago

Essay on democracy begin at home


Answered by Nia250


The workings of our democratic government often seem remote from the pressing intensity of daily family life: car pools, helping with homework, settling squabbles and fending off colds. But it is good to remember that democracy depends on active, involved citizens, and that children need to learn the habits of democratic citizenship just as they learn to brush their teeth.

The elementary school years are an ideal time to help children learn democratic principles such as cooperation, justice, and the need for rules and laws. At this age, children are passionately interested in justice and are spending more and more time working, playing, and making decisions in groups. Around third grade, children become more aware of themselves as part of a larger community. Current events figure more heavily in the school day, their reading skills improve, and they have access to all kinds of print and electronic media.

Political attitudes begin to be formed in childhood. As parents, our involvement in civic affairs, our interest in the world around us, and the extent to which we participate in democracy through voting or social activism serves as a model for how involved our children may become in society and in government. Whatever our political affiliation, helping our children grow into active, democratic citizens is beneficial to everyone — and to the future of this country.

hope it's help......


Answered by aneeshgowdaag



Hi,which state

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