English, asked by varchaskp, 1 year ago

essay on digital technology helps in the progress of our country


Answered by venupagilla
a country able to increase the output of final goods and services faster than its population grows can improve its citizens’ standard of living. However, the speed with which such change occurs can vary greatly.

Technological progress is the key to a country’s long-term increase in its material well-being, the work of Nobel laureate Robert Solow and economist Trevor Swan showed in the 1950s. The contribution of factors of production, such as capital or labor, is only temporary.[1] The Nobel Prize-winning work reshaped our understanding of why countries such as the United States exhibit sustained labor productivity growth, while others such as Niger and Zimbabwe become impoverished. Technological progress also might hold a key to understanding persistent differences in the rates of improvement in the standard of living among countries.
Answered by Anonymous

Digital empowerment isn’t just about letting people complete tasks conveniently. New mobile innovation is also helping to boost community engagement and personal growth, with instant feedback, social support and the chance to earn rewards for good behavior.DECEMBER 21, 2015

Digital technology has done a great job of empowering people to serve themselves in a multitude of different ways. But its power to change behavior is potentially even more exciting. In the best-case scenarios, digital technology is helping to make us more accountable and engaged citizens at a time when many societies are at risk of breaking down.

UK smartcard technology firm Novacroft has made this its mission. It is about to trial new technology (a smartcard, app and sophisticated back-office system) to encourage positive citizen behavior, via links with charities, workplaces, local governments and retailers. The system, UCando-it, will allow individuals to log and earn credits each time they contribute positively to their local community – for example by recycling, going to the gym or taking public transport.

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Employers and other organizations buying into the system will be able to target and influence specific groups of people, through a system of linked rewards sponsored by commercial backers – such as discount vouchers for use with retailers or brands. For the companies involved, it’s a way of increasing their social responsibility credentials and driving particular actions. For consumers, it’s a prompt to dig deeper and do more, for their own sense of wellbeing and for the greater good.

“There is an innate willingness to do better in everyone,” says Debra Charles, Novacroft’s founder and CEO. “If we can unleash, recognize and reward that, it will benefit communities and the national economy.” In the health sector, for example, there are tremendous numbers of volunteers who support the paid professionals, she notes. “Wouldn’t it be great if that could be formally acknowledged? That’s our goal – to encourage organizations to reward people for their contributions.”

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Brands and retailers supporting the schemes can expect to increase footfall in their stores – so everyone wins. Rewards could take numerous forms though – from spending vouchers for hospital volunteers, to cheaper travel for job seekers. Whatever the behavior organizations want to introduce, there could be a smartcard-enabled incentive.

If charities and public authorities become involved, it could save them money in the long run – as campaigns gather their own momentum, word spreads, and the pressure is relieved on local services because communities are doing more to help themselves.

Novacroft is already working with charities such the Royal British Legion, and is in talks with a number of high-profile brands as it looks to bring out its first trial next year.

One large employer which will pilot UCando-it will use the incentive-based system to tackle specific business issues. “They want to lower absenteeism and attrition, and improve morale and the company’s reputation,” Charles explains. The program will link back into the employer’s HR and learning systems, where activities can be set up to encourage staff to be more active, improve their skills, and volunteer – depending on the area an employee needs to work on.

What’s special about Novacroft’s smartcard technology is that it can be applied in a range of different ways – the intelligent cards can act as travel tickets, payment cards, loyalty cards, vouchers, gym passes, concert tickets and so on. Novacroft is also developing a ‘remote loader’ - a mobile machine which reads the cards and logs activity in different locations.

A social element to the UCando-it app will enable participants to see, support and be inspired by what their friends are doing. Novacroft will track the wider impact of the reward schemes, including participants’ happiness, satisfaction and sense of purpose."Digital India" is campaign launched to provide government services online, it is good for new generation as people are surrounded and dependent on digital devices today. 
It needs lots of changes in today's electronic system. But is definitely good for citizen as it save time and effort. And also the corruption power. 
It will help in Progress in chhattisgarh or other developing state in technological or IT sector.

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