English, asked by nagulapallibeerappa, 11 months ago

Essay on disability is not an obstacle for success essay in english​


Answered by selojurenuka


Disability is not an obstacle for success

Disability is not inability.Disability is there for only limbs(అవయవాలు) and senses but not for the spirit.

This is true that disability is never an obstacle on the path of success many great people in spite of disabilities excelled in their life with their hard work,determination, courage and perseverance.

Nick vujicic ,helen killer,stephen Hawking ,sudha chandran are some great people this people was proved that disabilities are not obstacle in the path of success.

This people who have disabilities forget about their disabilities and hard work continuously to archive their golas.By doing,so they inspire other disable people to archive their goals,they give spirit and courage to them to archive greate things

They are the real heroes because they are triumphant of their invincible spirit .

The abled people lacking spirit ,the killing instinct,and strong determination are unable to archive anything in their life .Through limbless the disable can archive greate tasks with their spirit and courage .

The great people who ascended the peaks of success in spite of the disability are called the abled heroes who conquered their fate.

This we can say that disability is not an obstacle for success


i hope it is help for you

Answered by sourasghotekar123


                       Disability is not an obstacle for success essay

Disability is not an obstacle for success. I completely agree to this. I feel that any sort of problem in the path of your success can be dealt with and can be solved. Similarly, disability does not mean that you are weak and not capable of doing something, but it just means that you need to put some extra efforts to achieve your goal. It does not makes you weaker but gives you strength to work hard. We have seen many examples in Real world where people who are not equally abled have done wonders. One of such examples is Mark Zuckerberg who is a colour blind person but is an owner of a company like Facebook.

Thus, we should not feel that disability is and obstacle but should keep grinding and working hard.


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