essay on disadvantage of technology in agriculture
One of the major advantages of the use of technology in agriculture is that farmers can now farm more acres in one growing season than ever before. This is important because it means that less people have to be farmers, though it does present a distinct disadvantage to small-scale farmers who struggle to compete with farmers who farm hundreds or thousands of acres of land.Another important advantage of tech is the increased efficiency of farming. Each acre of land gets exactly the right amount of seeds, rows are spaced exactly the right amount apart for optimal yield, and fertilizer can be applied without waste. All of this results in lower operating costs for the farmer, which in turn makes the use of this technology feasible for farmers.Finally, the use of technology in agriculture can help to improve the health of the environment. I was at a field day recently where a new edge-of-field monitoring system was displayed. This system monitors phosphorus levels in runoff from fields and updates the farmer when levels are too high and would be harmful if in major waterways. This system and others like it represent a positive shift in agricultural consideration for the health of the surrounding environment.