Hindi, asked by jacintasaldanha, 1 year ago

essay on doctor Ambedkar Dr Baba Saheb Ambedkar​


Answered by manu5278

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

Bimrao Ramji Ambedkar is the hero of our nation and an inspiration for millions

He transpormed his life from being a victim untochability in chidhood to become the highest educated. indian civilan of his time and the architect of indian constitution Bhimrao Ambedkar's constribution to desing the constitution of India is honorable. He spent his life to fight for the justice, equality and rights of the backward classes.

Answered by Anonymous



Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated in India every year on the 14th of April to pay respect to Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar. On this auspicious day, we remember the contribution, accomplishment of Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar. Dalits treat Dr. Ambedkar as their God because he helped them a lot. The major contribution by Dr. Ambedkar was helping Dalits to get equal authority, status, and respect in the society as others. Dr. Ambedkar is one of the greatest leaders in Indian history. In this essay on Ambedkar Jayanti, we will see his contribution, achievements, and more about him.

essay on ambedkar jayanti

Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar – History and Background

Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar was one of the first Dalits to get a complete education in India. He achieved a degree in political science, economics, and law. He was a great lawyer, writer, historian, and also one of the great political leaders. He was born in Madhya Pradesh.

He was born on 14th April 1990, and hence we celebrate this day as the birth anniversary of Dr. Ambedkar – Ambedkar Jayanti. Bhimabai and Ramji Maloji Sakpal were parents of Dr. Ambedkar. He is mostly known as “Baba Saheb”. Ambedkar Jayanti is mostly celebrated in Maharashtra by Dalits because he always fought for the rights of Dalits.

He himself has faced a lot of injustice in his life. His education journey was not much easier than others. After independence, Dalits were treated as “untouchable”. They were facing a lot of discrimination everywhere. Dr. Baba Saheb Ambedkar came ahead and fought for them and got Dalits their equal rights and freedom as others.

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