English, asked by Anandkumar9313, 1 year ago

Essay on effects of burning crackers for class 7


Answered by Sumant12504
Air Pollution

Air pollution takes the first position when it comes to the adverse effects of crackers on health. According to articles across the internet, air pollution goes up by 50% during Diwali in India. Air pollution leads to respiratory illnesses such as Asthma, Bronchitis and other Lung problems. Hence, it is advised to avoid crackers to avert the hazards of air pollution on our health.


The pollution thus caused due to crackers also leads to Smog (Smoke + Fog). Smog is not only injurious to health but also causes problems during night driving as it obstructs our view. Smog can occur if there is no wind or rain within 2-3 days from such special occasion. Smog also leads to health problems such as skin burning and Lung Cancers. Hence, Smog is one of the most adverse effect(s) of crackers on health.

Global Warming

The Oxides and Dioxides of Sulphur and Nitrogen are released during the burning of crackers. These are very much harmful to human health and also to the environment around us. These gases are also known as the “Green House Gases” which not only aid in the rising temperatures across the globe but also in the depletion of Earth’s protective shield “The Ozone Layer” which might be hazardous to the living beings around us as they will be directly exposed to Sun’s harmful radiations. Hence Crackers cause Global warming and Global warming has adverse effects on our health.

Noise Pollution

Noise pollution is as dangerous as the Air pollution. Noise pollution is also one of the leading adverse effects of crackers on health. It not only affects the Human Beings but also the animals around us such as cats and dogs as they have Ears that are more sensitive than the Humans. Noise pollution caused by crackers might also lead to temporary or permanent deafness.

Injuries & Wounds

Crackers are not only injurious to health but can also cause injuries to the individuals, especially to the children. If crackers are not fired properly they might cause wounds on the parts of body which is exposed to them. In many cases, Children have lost their lives or have lost their eyesight by not litting the crackers properly. Hence, it is one of the most adverse effects of crackers.

Garbage Disposals

After Diwali the main problem that comes to our sight is the Garbage lying on the roads. This garbage is chemical hazardous garbage that is very difficult to dispose off as it might affect the people’s health who live near these disposal areas of the cities. another adverse Effects of crackers on health is that Many firecracker factories and industries in India dont impose security measures and make people work in factories without any safety measures. These chemicals get exposed to their skin, eyes, lungs and increase toxic levels in the body. Many studies have shown that continuous exposure to such hazardous chemicals can lead to impairment or even impotency leading to birth of unhealthy babies.

Answered by 07161020
Hey there,

Burning crackers create air pollution, noise pollution and soil pollution.
It damages the respiratory tract of organisms.
It reduces water level.


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