Essay on effects of tv advertisements on children in 200 words
Children’s minds develop at a very fast rate and they are much faster at grasping and remembering information than adults. Just like you and I, all the marketers and advertisers are also very well acquainted with this fact. Therefore, you can find more and more advertisements on the television these days, which are targeting our young children for marketing their products. The advertisements that are broadcast between the children’s shows promote all kinds of products like toys, food items, energy boosters, apparel brands, etc.
Although, these advertisements are very short and on an average last for only 10-20 seconds on air, but their repetitive screening and specially their content and visuals have a very deep impact on the young. Their brains are easily influenced by what they see and hear. Also, children are now exposed to all the commercials, which the print media like newspapers, journals, etc. and social media are flooded with.
Some television commercials which are made with a genuine intention to make children aware about the brand, without giving them any wrong messages, may actually be helpful for them. For example, a biscuit brand that associates itself with the word ‘Genius’, powered a campaign about letting children hone their creativity, thereby, grooming themselves into true geniuses. Because of such advertisements, children begin to recognise brands and they might sometimes even help their parents in making the decision about what to buy.
Moreover, advertisements which highlight oral hygiene, use of health supplements and other good routines provide motivation to children. For instance, an advertisement about a young girl collecting coins to open her own savings bank account encouraged a lot of young children to do the same. The advertisements focusing on the importance of family and togetherness also leave a very positive impression on the children. For example, if a child sees another child of her age polishing shoes to help her grandfather, she will also want to make her family and friends happy by helping them.
But the positives of such advertisements can certainly not outweigh the negatives of others. Children tend to become stubborn and annoy their parents to buy a particular product. They often judge an item according to its face value and recommend purchasing it whether it is useful or not and whether it is affordable for the family or not. In fact, after watching commercials and forming a habit of using certain brands, children also lose the real sense of living a life free from material assets.
Also, the advertisements that follow the trait of comparison between two brands, two products or two people, foster in children a habit to do the same. Watching such commercials, they start comparing themselves with friends, peers and siblings. They may sometimes consider themselves inferior or superior to others.