Essay on empowerment of women.
The subject of empowerment of women has becoming a burning issue all over the world including India since last few decades. Many agencies of United Nations in their reports have emphasized that gender issue is to be given utmost priority. It is held that women now cannot be asked to wait for any more for equality.
Inequalities between men and women and discrimination against women have also been age-old issues all over the world. Thus, women’s quest for equality with man is a universal phenomenon. What exists for men is demanded by women?
They have demanded equality with men in matters of education, employment, inheritance, marriage, politics and recently in the field of religion also to serve as cleric (in Hinduism and Islam). Women want to have for themselves the same strategies of change which menfolk have had over the centuries such as equal pay for equal work. Their quest for equality has given birth to the formation of many women’s associations and launching of movements.
woman's play a great role in our daily life as the trees growth dependent on root as like same the society growth dependent on woman. if we want to see that our India being developed country then it's really important to educate a woman and make her able so she can teach other also. for example if one girl educated then she teach one whole family and after a marriage she can teach her family in law's. so by teaching one girl we can teach two family. and we all know that no one play better role in management then girls and if a woman start in coming business our whole economic and GDP gonna at top.
now we are seing that the woman is willing to being educated but their family don't allowed by saying that the girls never give any economically gift to them but I want to explained the meaning of education ,the education means the learning process by which we can live comfortable and make other comefortable .
education means not a way of income source make the females educated for making society educated and they can help also their family in the time of needs.
don't think education is business, education is never a business but today business is education but if we want to see our family happy and healthy we should give independence to woman for everything