Social Sciences, asked by Aneeshradan1704, 1 year ago

Essay on environmental pollution for 10th class


Answered by PayalAgarwal1
Environment is a very broad term. It includes everything that is around, above and below us. Air, water, plant and animal life is all included in the environment. The greatest problem of present day world is the pollution of environment, be it water, air or sound. Pollution literally means fouling the natural environment by some unnatural elements which make it polluted to the extent that it becomes unhealthy for plant and animal life. National calamities like earthquakes, cyclones, famines, epidemics, etc., because great suffering to human being. But man’s most effective enemy is man himself because he is himself responsible for polluting the environment in which he lives.
The problem of water pollution is rampant in all thickly-populated areas, especially urban conglomerates. No doubt water does possess a self-cleaning property, but there is limit to it. The problem intensifies with the addition of pollutants in our waterways from any sources; radioactive wastes from factories, laboratories and hospitals; fallout from nuclear explosions domestic wastes from the cities and towns, chemical wastes from factories and industrial units, etc. Persons with a higher DDT content in their fatty tissue are afflicted with brain tumor, higher blood pressure and malfunctioning of the liver. The Bhopal gas leak tragedy of December 2/3, 1984 was a consequence of the release of poisonous Methyl isocynate from the Union Carbide plant producing pesticides and insecticides.
Contemporary pessimism, however, goes far beyond this traditional worry about the state of affairs, Its new aspect is the assumption that our descendants will be even worse off than we are, because the world will have become too complex for comprehension by the human brain, These developments, together with the recklessly wasteful use of world’s limited resources by the advanced market economies, even at the cost of damaging the eco-system and denying the poor countries the succor they need desperately, and the disconcerting experience of half-baked modernization plans, which have distorted both priorities of development and living mores in large parts of the Third World
This is how environment is polluted by human activity. If environmental degradation continues at the present rate, mankind is bound to perish one day or another. It is, therefore, imperative to take measures for protecting and minimizing if not totally eliminating, pollution of the environment.
Answered by xcristianox

⇒ Pollution is the major problem of our country. It's helps to Produce many unwanted gases in our environment just like Co, Harmful gases e.t.c.

⇒ We should be try to concern about their effect and also try to remove this Types of problems which create polluted environment.

⇒ rise in the number of Factories in developed and developing countries. Many factories do not dispose of waste products in a proper manner dangerous disease. They release a lot of smoke into the air.

⇒They also release Chemicals and other waste products in rivers and lakes. The smoke carries injurious chemicals which pollute the air . It causes many dangerous disease . Factories should dispose of the waste Product in a Scientific way. We must try not to pollute the environment.

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