Environmental Sciences, asked by Nanitha, 1 year ago

Essay on environmental protection through social media


Answered by abhinavchauhanpazhlp

Answer:Social media has had a strong presence in modern society starting in the early 2000s. Now, almost everyone has access to a profile on one various social media website or another, and they’re using it to make change where they see that it needs to be made.

One case of this is from a few years back when Greenpeace began to raise awareness that Nestle used palm oil in their Kit Kat bars. Palm oil that came from companies that killed Indonesian rain forests. Without the help of social media, Greenpeace might have tried to change this by going to court against corporate attorneys. They might have lost without the public ever actually knowing much about the case.

Instead, they started spreading the hashtag #kitkat and it started trending on Twitter. People spread the news so quickly and to such a far reaching audience that the mainstream news began to pick it up. They reported on the issue and even called out Nestle for its reaction on its own social media. By using social media, people came together and made change happen, since Nestle committed to using only using plantation level palm oil by 2015 (although the deadline got pushed back to 2020 around 2017)


Answered by gratefuljarette

Essay on environmental protection through social media:

Starting in the early 2000s social media had a strong presence in modern society. Today, on one or other social media websites, almost everyone has links to a page, and they use it to make changes where they see it needs to be made.

People can make a positive difference in the world by taking advantage of social media. As for the protection of the environment, social media will actually serve as both a bullhorn and a rallying device that is needed to show that not only are people demanding reform, but it is a plurality opposed to just a handful.

One example is from a couple of years ago after Greenpeace started to raise consciousness that Nestle was using palm oil in their Kit Kat chips.

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