essay on estinction of wildlife
wild animals are those that live independently of man and characteristically resist his interference with aggression or avoidance.'wildness in itself,of course, exists only in the mind of man;it is not a property of nature
Essay: Extinction of Wildlife
Wildlife refers to the wild animals or plants that live or grow collectively in their respected regions. They are the living things on the planet that are nor human and neither domesticated. In the present era, there are many species of the wildlife that are going extinct, and sadly we, humans, are the major cause of it.
The human population is growing rapidly and it grows at the expense of the wildlife' resources. There are many species that are extinct to us, but were known to our ancestors, and who knows in the upcoming time, your grandson would ask you how an Elephant looked like.
The major and ridiculous cause of animal extinction is the habitat destruction, which is the hunting of animals from humans. It is done either for food or for just showcasing the dead animal in their house. The habitat destruction, is even though made illegal in many countries, but it is still an important factor in contributing the wildlife extinction.
The natural evolution has also made some species go extinct but it is matter that cannot be dealt with and is bound to happen. We humans, have to change and think about the natural resources and their importance, and it is only us who can change ourselves.
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