English, asked by warda18, 8 months ago

essay on examinations and test are deciders of success​


Answered by shubham85288

Examinations have been considered as the only means to judge the achievement of students. They are conducted term-wise, half-yearly, and annually. There are percentages of marks fixed in accordance with which divisions are awarded — First, Second, third — 60%, 45% or 48%, and 44% or 47%, and one failing to secure even 33% is declared as failed.

Answered by deepakdnayak2004


We can know our real knowledge, and exam is just a part of testing the knowledge. Through exam, student knows their knowledge and compare to other students. Some of the students in the world, they have not a chance to know where their knowledge is.

A student will having a war between their class mates because they compete with each other with their knowledge and exam is the ground at their they see who is the best among them. and due to exam, their compete with each other’s and it might be generate interest and excitement on topic that not interest. And from the exam they can improve their confidence level, and level of knowledge.

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